The Wii is NOT "kiddie"!

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Its not just the wii that has a so called "Kiddie image" Nintendo has always had this image. I think you will find that in MOST cases its people that have never played any of the other decent titles out for the system and it is just there way of putting down the wii. If you think the wii has a kiddie image then get over it go by a 360 or ps3 instead of bagging the competition.
cannon said:
Its not just the wii that has a so called "Kiddie image" Nintendo has always had this image. I think you will find that in MOST cases its people that have never played any of the other decent titles out for the system and it is just there way of putting down the wii. If you think the wii has a kiddie image then get over it go by a 360 or ps3 instead of bagging the competition.
The NES, SNES, GB and GBA were not "kiddie" so no not always. Show me which reply was bragging? Sounds to me like you take things about the Wii personally.
People call the Wii 'kiddie' because currently, it IS kiddie. Look at the games that have been created for the system. Currently there is one MERITABLE game out with dark undertones, and that's Twilight Princess. The godfather is a pretty bad game as far as gaming goes, which is why I say 'meritable'.

I agree that this does not inherently make the system 'kiddie' because I'm a Looney Tunes kind of person myself. I enjoy cartoons, comic relief, and all-around 'zaniness'... but at some point, Nintendo's gotta step up and realize that it can't get away with child-proofing their house... so-to-speak. When you look at a franchise like Devil May Cry on the PS2, which has done well, it has a dark atmosphere and to alot of people is fun to play. On the same hand look at a game like God of War where nudity was in the game... There is a line that people have to draw and I agree that for console gaming, a scene like that went too far... but it still shows that Nintendo's holding on to some antiquated list of morals and is very hard-pressed to step outside of its boundaries.

I bought the Wii thinking "This is going to be the best hack'n slash system, the best shooter system, and who knows what else they'll come up with for this amazing piece of technology!"

Turns out I still only own 2 games, (1 if you don't count Wii Sports) and that's Twilight Princess. Until later this year when Metroid, and Brawl come out, Battle Revolution will be the only purchase I make for my Wii since I bought it. This really disappoints me, because I finally had high hopes for a nintendo system after the fall of the mighty SNES.

I know this is turning into a bit of a long rant, but I'm trying to define my point very clearly. The Wii is 'kiddie' to most people because it turned out to be a disappointment as far as games are concerned. Maybe this is attributed to third party companies not fully understanding the Wii's technology yet...but I highly doubt it at this point.

I guess I'd best end my post before I start repeating myself more than I'm sure I already have.

I do love the Wii, but replaying Twilight Princess is getting boring :prrr:
cannon said:
Its not just the wii that has a so called "Kiddie image" Nintendo has always had this image. I think you will find that in MOST cases its people that have never played any of the other decent titles out for the system and it is just there way of putting down the wii. If you think the wii has a kiddie image then get over it go by a 360 or ps3 instead of bagging the competition.
look at nintendos key titles: mario, zelda, and pokemon, those are obviously not geared towards mature audiences, history shows, nintendo hardly has any successful exclusive mature titles
the idea of mario hasnt changed, jump on enemies, do simple puzzles, what not, its simple for everyone, simple for a kid, there arent enough mature hardcore titles on nintendo consoles. when a mother looks at 2 consoles, and she sees a game on one where you chainsaw other people, and then a game on another where you jump on walking mushrooms, she'll know which one she wants to pick up for her kid.
I rep'd Gabbiani's post because I have nearly the same thoughts.

Gabbiana: The sad part is that the Zelda game wasn't even meant for the Wii. Its a modified gamecube game :(
ciper said:
I rep'd Gabbiani's post because I have nearly the same thoughts.

Gabbiana: The sad part is that the Zelda game wasn't even meant for the Wii. Its a modified gamecube game :(

I preordered and paid for it in full on GCN, so I definitely know that. Nintendo knew they didn't have a release title to stand on is what happened.

In any case, thanks for the rep, much appreciated, also glad to know my ranting isn't always in vain :lol:
ciper said:
The NES, SNES, GB and GBA were not "kiddie" so no not always. Show me which reply was bragging? Sounds to me like you take things about the Wii personally.
I said BAGGING Not BRAGGING. I was implying that people just call the console kiddie because they think there Xbox/Ps3 is better and they just think they are cool because they can try and prove it by calling it kiddie. I dont take things about the wii personally however i think people should no facts before they start to bagg aka pick on another console.
I don't think its kiddy, then again I don't care either way..I have fun with the console, kiddy or not, thats what counts to me.
cannon said:
I said BAGGING Not BRAGGING. I was implying that people just call the console kiddie because they think there Xbox/Ps3 is better and they just think they are cool because they can try and prove it by calling it kiddie. I dont take things about the wii personally however i think people should no facts before they start to bagg aka pick on another console.
Oh oops I misread it. One single letter changes your whole post and I actually agree with you then!
Jay61 said:
I don't think its kiddy, then again I don't care either way..I have fun with the console, kiddy or not, thats what counts to me.

That definitely is what counts. Unfortunately, I don't find no-plot "Jack-of-all-Games" to be very fun at all. Mario party is the only exception to this. Twilight Princess got me hooked on its story. I kept playing to find out what happened next.

Midna gets mortally wounded by Zant and Link in wolf form carries her to Zelda
I honestly got chills, I did everything I could to do what I had to do as fast as I could because I'd developed a rapport with the character(s). Warioware, Raving Rabbids, Elebits, and the rest of the bunch...they don't immerse me that way and don't have a genuine 'emotion' to them.

I guess I'm one of the last people who play a videogame to 'become' the protagonist in a 'book type setting' for lack of a better description. Oh well :sick:
ciper said:
Oh oops I misread it. One single letter changes your whole post and I actually agree with you then!
Ok cool so lets stop this crappy online style fight lol
Yes it is, you are wrong.

I hate to make a short and lacking argument, but there is no contest here, it is kiddie. I am 23 and I still like it, and play it almost daily, but I will NOT deny that it is kiddie.
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