The Wii is NOT "kiddie"!

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ciper said:
What if I was to say the majority of people between ages 18 and 30 think the Wii is kiddie. Do you disagree?

yeah id disagree... the majority of adults think its kiddie then its kiddie to them it wont change how i feel about. but i will agree that most of the content we are seeing can be called "kiddie" but i wouldnt let a few games ruin the whole console for me.

id still have fun the best way i could with it. i wont buy happy feet and have a blast, but id rent it for the kid and play it.

im not trying to defend the wii like some nut job fanboy, but i dont have a prob playing a system people say is kiddie.
JeremyGTS: The problem is that you think Kiddie is some type of insult. Kiddie is neither negative or positive. I know plenty of people in their late twenties with no children who own one and think its kiddie.
ciper said:
JeremyGTS: The problem is that you think Kiddie is some type of insult. Kiddie is neither negative or positive. I know plenty of people in their late twenties with no children who own one and think its kiddie.

well in a way i do think its an insult but then in a way i dont care..
i dunno i have small kids that watch all the crazy little kid stuff so i guess im kinda used to kiddie things..
I think it is safe enough to say that the Nintendo Wii is multi-aged audience oriented. If it wasn't then we would just have games like Surf's Up and March of the Penguins. If it were just mature audience oriented it would just be having games such s godfather.
ciper said:
Game ratings are a TERRIBLE indicator of wether the Wii is "kiddie" or not. Most adult games are rated E while games for the younger teenage males are rated M!!

That simply made NO sense.

Teenage males feel that by playing mature games, they themselves are mature.

Adults just dont care. Video games are entertaining, and the rating doesnt mean a better game.
I think Nintendo and the kiddy market set sail a long time ago, no one targets children anymore, they target females. Is this just a coverup that you don't want to admit you bought a female console?

There's no evidence of Nintendo's market and I like the image in their games, there is no way a child could work out all the content without being superhuman. Just because it's rated for children doesn't mean that adults can't play it too. Take smoking, the age is 16, people do it right into their old age (and are idiots) but I'm just using this as an example.

If games were more mature and 18+ I'd say I wouldn't buy them, I would never be a gamer because of this. I didn't find the Godfather entertaining and the GTA series is a load of arse. Most games 18+ are just examples of mindless violence.

Maybe that would've been somewhat effective if I wasn't female...
Frogger said:
Maybe that would've been somewhat effective if I wasn't female...

or a little older. Fact is, your still too young, and thus no matter way you say against adult oriented games, you are not old enough to comment on their appeal.

Its like when you ask little boys if they like girls, and they are like "eewww cuties". Ask them again when they are older and wiser, and ACTUALLY know whats going on, they will say "hell ya, girls make me hot".

You put too much focus on being female, but its really the fact that you are a very young female, age matters in this sense and I have a feeling there is a lot more for you to experience in the world of gaming. For example, have you even gotten around to playing MMORPGs?
one of the kids in the school i work in asked me why i had "a childs toy" i thought i better not argue with a 5 year old and say cos i like it. lol
I agree with the first post. Wii games are fun, i don't get the same experience as i do playing an xbox game as i do playing a wii game. It brings you more into the game imo with the wii controller. Playing RE4 scares the hell out of me with the wii, i wasn't nearly as scared playing it on the gamecube as i am with the wii. And it's because it takes you into the game more.
Reads the sticky.

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