The Wii Does Have Downloadable Content


WiiChat Member
Mar 15, 2007
A few days ago, i started playing Fifa 08 on the Wii. Its a football (soccer) game and it was released some time ago.

But i noticed something. During january, football teams make transfers. Which means buying/selling players.

Fifa 08 was released before this date (by a few months) and they seem to have the latest squads already updated.

Example: Chelsea bought Anelka in Jan....Fifa 08 updated it automatically.
Example2: Spurs bought Hutton and Woodgate, again Fifa updates.

So there you have it, its not exactly 'downloadable' but the content is there, and it shows that Devlopers arent just leaving the wii to die, they are making the effort.

So behind the scenes, there is actual downloadable content, you just need to pay attention.
Ooo. Had my doubts about Fifa 08 on the Wii.
Will be trying PES i think, though the control system seems really really weird.
in your first post it makes it sound like you think the wii is dying. are you serious?
Umm no, he tried to tell us the very opposite. He said that developers do NOT leave the Wii to die. They put effort in it to keep it alive.

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