Nintendo to offer ORIGINAL game downloads for Wii


\/\/ii'd Out For Life
Dec 20, 2006
Surfside Beach, SC
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Nintendo to offer original game downloads for Wii

Friday 26-Jan-2007 11:46 AM CVG gets Nintendo's response to 'New Game Channel' rumours

A statement made by Hudson Entertainment's director of marketing, John Lee, in an interview with Game Informer, sparked a rumour that Nintendo could be making a new 'Games Channel' for Wii through which it will deliver new downloadable games.

When asked if Hudson plans to release any original content through the Virtual Console, Lee responded: "Well, the VC was specifically designed to bring back classic games, not to introduce new content. So to answer your question specifically: No.

"However, in the future, you should rephrase that question to: Are there any plans to launch original content on some downloadable service on the Wii, and you might get a different answer."

Curious as to what he may have meant by that, CVG contacted Nintendo and got this response: "Nintendo has developed a programming system that will allow small independent developers to make games for Wii download service.

"We cannot confirm at this time in what format the new content will be delivered, but in the future there will be original games available for download through the Wii Shop."

For those of you who don't know, Nintendo president, Satoru Iwata, spoke of such a development tool at various games events last year, allowing low-cost game production for Wii. Anyone who got hooked on Geometry Wars on 360 knows how exciting this prospect is.

It's currently unknown when the proposed original game content will be made available to download, although it is unlikely that they'll be delivered through the Virtual Console.

Mike Jackson
source article......
So does this mean Nintendo will be making it's own game creator like microsoft have for the 360 with the XNA game studio ?
they already made that one flash game online, so they will prob be like that
hahahaha its from micheal jackson it cant be reliable. just kidding. im sure its not THE micheal jackson
It just means smaller companies can make games for the Nintendo without having to do all the high cost publicity and production. Sounds good :thumbsup:
Sweet! Possibly some cool (And cheap!) games will come of this :D I can't wait to see what's in store!

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