The Search for the 3rd Party Characters! Who will they be? said:
lol thats what i've been saying, because megaman has such a vast majority of moves he could easily be made a move set and mabye his own custom shield (like kirby's down b) but i never though of switching through all his past abilitys for his B.

But whats funny is he really can do a hadoken. in MMX he gets it as an easteregg, you have to like, die 3 times in the mole man stage or whatever, go jump off of this moving rail way, dont die by bats. land on a wall, climb it, and thers a capsule that gives him it/

Yep. In later games, it was available as an upgrade as well. Always somewhere hidden, but it was fairly common throughout the whole MMX series.

It also became a signature finish for him in the Capcom Vs XXXXXXX fighting game series.

Blue Bomber for the Win!

Also, can you just picture Kirby wearing the Megaman Helmet? I can! :p

It'd be fricking awesome!
Dr.Worm, Brawl here we come.
Yay! More third parties!
Megaman, more sonics animals (2), Ratchet/Alpha Clank (my prayers will have been answered), and Sora from Kingdom Hearts.
shrek4wii said:
Yay! More third parties!
Megaman, more sonics animals (2), Ratchet/Alpha Clank (my prayers will have been answered), and Sora from Kingdom Hearts.

Megaman confirmed out. In an interview it was said he hasn't been asked and now the game has gone gold there is no chance of megaman.

Basically the game is in production (put on disks)
Cpt.McCloud said:
Megaman confirmed out. In an interview it was said he hasn't been asked and now the game has gone gold there is no chance of megaman.

Basically the game is in production (put on disks)

yeah but supposably sakurai revealed that ice climbers weren't going to make it back in

you can't believe everything you see, and i have yet to see any proof that that interview took place
It was in the bionic comando podcast I believe.
Isn't the search over? We got Snake and Sonic. And theres less than a 2 month time period until release. Something new going down? :)

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