The Rep (YOu Must Read)

Who cares about neg rep when you can just chill in the VET MEMBER SECTION!!

Edit @ Samus. Once you're respected around here, you can lay back and start having some fun. LMAO. You're still on the "earning spect" road. lol
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Wiired said:
Lmao, this has over 350 posts in this thread, all full of crap. :) and still opennnn

Nah, something has to be open for quite a long time with on-topic posts to be legend...whatever happened to Mario Famous's thread? I miss it. I mean, we have the sticky now, but i'll always remember that guy...I think only a select few know who he is. :/
The funny thing is that I had a thread not that long ago asking for rep to be removed all together. Due to it I now have 17 positive rep.

The thread was closed though for some reason. It seems removing rep is the best way to go.

P.S. Rep is not abused on every forum. SpursCommunity uses it very well and it is a forum which I enjoy using.
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Star Striker said:
The funny thing is that I had a thread not that long ago asking for rep to be removed all together. Due to it I now have 17 positive rep.

The thread was closed though for some reason. It seems removing rep is the best way to go.

P.S. Rep is not abused on every forum. uses it very well and it is a forum which I enjoy using.
Great job. Now you just opened a flood gate for noobs to ruin you forum. >.>
ericlewis91 said:
im sorry...who negative repped me..thats rude! please tell me who did this

Half The Time When i Get Rep It's By Someone Higher than Me.

I get A Big Rep Boost! ^_^

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