The Rep (YOu Must Read)

Gahh...all compliments are out the window.

It's used as a messaging system I think.. "why are you up so early"? Hm...that's definitely rep worthy :/


10 points to know why!
dakuda said:
I am an co-administer on a large forum with 105,000+ members (100+ more each day) and over 3,700,000 posts that uses the exact same software. We have over 1,000 users on at a time, almost all the time. I have written custom modifications to the software as well. I highly doubt the system is totally different from what I think.

yeah ok i think we ALL get the hint about your little admin job. its obviously no secret since you like to rub it in everyones face. maybe you should construct your own nintendo wii forum? seems like youre completely omniscient....oh and FYi, we have a "roll eyes" icon :rolleyes:

Did I over simplify? Perhaps. However, granting all moderators moderation power in every section would not hurt the forum one bit. It would help. If someone goes 'power-crazy', then they were a poor choice to begin with.

no no you didnt "over simplify" it wouldnt hurt the forum, its just unnecessary. but what do i know since youre an admin and im just a supermod. i dont know the site all that well do i????

Maybe a thread like this would have been moved before it sat in the wrong section for 12 hours.

again, i dont mod that section. i may be incharge around the entire site but when a moderator checks their section when online- i assume everything is just peachy fuzzy kean. you should bring that up to their attention first with the report button THEN if you cant get intouch with them, contact myself or mr stoukaph

No offense intended, but perhaps then you should relinquish your super-mod status to someone who can fully utilize it. Moderation of a forum is time-intensive. There is no shame in saying you do not have the time to commit at this time. Go down to moderator, and allow someone with the time to move up. As long as the level system is here, it should be utilized effectively. Things last waaay to long here.

you know we all have lives correct???? mine is just a tad bit different from the normal child on this site. and youll notice when im online and thats almost everyday in the afternoon after i wake up from my sleep after work. so before you judge and say "oh shes never on now omg we need mods" you need to know the importance of my job. NYPD comes first before this bullsh*t and i KNOW every member knows that by now.

and what exactly do you mean "things last way too long here"? ive only been a mod since MAY! geez. you need to take that cocky attitude of yours down a notch man
  • Thread Starter
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  • #168
Hmm Hmm Rep thread
But yeh i have seen dakuda posting that he is an admin on a forum
it Gets boring man
wii_cammy said:
Hmm Hmm Rep thread
But yeh i have seen dakuda posting that he is an admin on a forum
it Gets boring man

Didnt take long for you to start posting again :rolleyes:
The_Loose_Cannon said:
yeah ok i think we ALL get the hint about your little admin job. its obviously no secret since you like to rub it in everyones face. maybe you should construct your own nintendo wii forum? seems like youre completely omniscient....oh and FYi, we have a "roll eyes" icon :rolleyes:

I have mentioned it twice from what I recall. Point is, I know how things work with this software, whereas you implied that I did not.

In the same vein, everyone here is well aware that you work for the NYPD since you like to rub that in everyone's face. Do you want a pat on the back for that? Congratulations? A party? It is your job, you chose it. It is indeed an honorable profession. However, you throw that around more then I mention administration of a web forum.

I am speaking here from experience on how to make things better from an administrative point of view. It is not omniscience, it is experience.

no no you didnt "over simplify" it wouldnt hurt the forum, its just unnecessary. but what do i know since youre an admin and im just a supermod. i dont know the site all that well do i????

I would venture to guess that I understand the software a bit more then you. That is not a slight on you. Relax. It is simply a result of more experience. Since it does not hurt, why not recommend it to the admin? I bet it would lead to a more enjoyable experience for all. Less stress, less BS in the forum itself.

again, i dont mod that section. i may be incharge around the entire site but when a moderator checks their section when online- i assume everything is just peachy fuzzy kean. you should bring that up to their attention first with the report button THEN if you cant get intouch with them, contact myself or mr stoukaph
On the contrary, by being a super moderator, you moderate all sections. You should be available to pick up the slack, if the need arises. And I did report that post, 8 hours ago. Nothing has been done yet.

you know we all have lives correct???? mine is just a tad bit different from the normal child on this site. and youll notice when im online and thats almost everyday in the afternoon after i wake up from my sleep after work. so before you judge and say "oh shes never on now omg we need mods" you need to know the importance of my job. NYPD comes first before this bullsh*t and i KNOW every member knows that by now.

and what exactly do you mean "things last way too long here"? ive only been a mod since MAY! geez. you need to take that cocky attitude of yours down a notch man

I realize people have lives, and I am probably close to one of the oldest people here. I also have an important job as well - considering I educate children with behavior disabilities. I also have a very expensive hobby (jeeps), a mortgage and friends/family to consider.

All I said was that since you mentioned not having the time to fully commit to your task here, perhaps someone who can handle the time commitment should be given the opportunity. I realize you are not the only mod. I also realize that you are stressing out about this place. Someone (from the current mods - I never said make a new one) should be given more authority here. It does not help that the administrator here is rarely online.

I just call it like it is. You may consider that cocky, but I consider it straight-forward and pithy. Since I tend to not sugarcoat things, people take it the wrong way. Show me where I was incorrect?
Brawny said:
LMAO....cop vs. teacher. Who will prevail?

I'm guessing the one with a gun....and a banstick.

Where have I violated any rules? I simply express my opinion. A ban for this thread will be quite a stretch of appropriate use of that magical little button. Difference of opinion is not a bannable offense. I have been very respectful in how I lay things out. I am confident this can remain civil.

BTW: Have you heard of the expression "The pen is mightier then the sword."

However, since I am not 'popular' here, I am sure the ban is coming.
didn't you notice the LMAO? It usually sets up a thread, intended to make others laugh....not necessarily a commentary in the wiichat system..:/
I did. That does not mean that I cannot have some fun with it.
dakuda said:
Where have I violated any rules? I simply express my opinion. A ban for this thread will be quite a stretch of appropriate use of that magical little button. Difference of opinion is not a bannable offense. I have been very respectful in how I lay things out. I am confident this can remain civil.

BTW: Have you heard of the expression "The pen is mightier then the sword."

However, since I am not 'popular' here, I am sure the ban is coming.

you may be getting on my nerves quite a lot with your arrogence but youre nowhere near "ban" status. if i wanted to be a B*tch about it (which im not), i can ban you for some tidious thing like "advertising" to justify my ban but like i said, thats abuse of power and i wouldnt even do that because then im the low one.

in any event, no one hates you. youre just too cocky. you gotta chill out a bit with your attitude here. other than that, your posts are well thought out and your opinions are still questioned with honorable replies

ignore brawny.
The_Loose_Cannon said:
you may be getting on my nerves quite a lot with your arrogence but youre nowhere near "ban" status. if i wanted to be a B*tch about it (which im not), i can ban you for some tidious thing like "advertising" to justify my ban but like i said, thats abuse of power and i wouldnt even do that because then im the low one.

in any event, no one hates you. youre just too cocky. you gotta chill out a bit with your attitude here. other than that, your posts are well thought out and your opinions are still questioned with honorable replies

ignore brawny.

What have I advertised?

You should not look at what I say as arrogance, but as constructive criticism. That is all it is. Some of it needs to be taken to task soon in order to make the board run more smoothly. Use my experience, do not shun it, as the current trend indicates.
Kiwi said:
To whoever negative repped me, thank you. You are now my new hero once i find out what your name is.

I can whittle the list down for you :) Only mods etc can negative rep now :lol: just so you know..

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