The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)

2 shot is the norm for joe back in Tri. Occasionally one shot. No idea how.


... Sounds absurd. Also a tad annoyin'. Havin' t' play defensively, or at least really carefully, would murder my soul.
Finished the Chorrol Oblivion gate. What's in Anvil? Another damn gate.


... Sounds absurd. Also a tad annoyin'. Havin' t' play defensively, or at least really carefully, would murder my soul.

You need multiple people to take the beast down. You can imagine the stress of having 4 people that can potentially die in a blink of an eye. I guess that's why I turned into one of those elitist jerks in that game. Don't come in with sub-optimal armor or you're outed.

Let's go hunt monsters! No assasin, you are the monster.

You do have the WiiU version no?
I can certainly sympathize with the sentiment. Any games with superkarpsomehardcoredantemustdie difficulty co-op stuff that I've played becomes a bit of a drag when a newbie joins. 'Specially RDR's advanced co-op. The two toughest missions can go on for half an hour, and it only takes a single poorly thrown stick of dynamite from said newbie t' waste all'a that time spent... That, and they love t' recklessly run out and get themselves killed. Then blame you for not attempting to revive them (which is guaranteed to fail and get you incapacitated too), in which case they either ragequit or turn on their mates once they respawn. If us "elitists" are monsters, what are they?

... Well, they're Leeroy Jenkins obviously. Far worse than a monster.

Aye, I've the U version. Would likely get a CPP if I bought the 3DS version, so I simply went with the U version instead.
I even had my own personal purely cosmetic elitist armor set. You know what I mean. All for flaunting and showing off my pure skillz without relying on stats. Black colored guild bard lobos (cowboy pimp hat with a feather), sexy white soulhunter jacket, black deviljho leather pants, and the black harvest.

I can't wait for MH4.
I've heard time and again that Monster Hunter's multiplayer is a half 'bout huntin' monsters, half showin' off the spoils of hunts.

... So, Monster Hunter multiplayer is akin to CoD multiplayer and golden guns.
Reinstalling Deus Ex.

I've heard time and again that Monster Hunter's multiplayer is a half 'bout huntin' monsters, half showin' off the spoils of hunts.

... So, Monster Hunter multiplayer is akin to CoD multiplayer and golden guns.

Not. At. All. Virtually every mmo has rare loot, same with dungeon crawlers like Diablo and such. It's slightly more akin to those.
I just battled some Showdown noob who kept rambling about Yellow from the Pokemon manga for no apparent reason.

Yellow is quite naive, and acts very much like a little child. She hates it when Pokémon are injured, hers or her opponent's, and has developed a style of battle in which neither her nor her opponent's Pokémon are hurt unless it is absolutely necessary.

It was rather odd.
Not. At. All. Virtually every mmo has rare loot, same with dungeon crawlers like Diablo and such. It's slightly more akin to those.

im well aware just trollin lawl. T'is how it is for every modern multiplayer game. Be it rare 'n powerful loot or pointless cosmetic changes that're a right-pain t' unlock, gamers will flash their e-bling in whatever way they can. Best example I know from experience is how prestiged AC players will almost-never equip personas with anythin' but the absurdly expensive Champion costumes, even if they don't really like 'em. Sole purpose for this is 'cause they're impossible t' afford with in-game currency 'til you've clocked... I'd say 100~ hours. Of winning. A blatant sign to anyone that you've played the game for too long; and thus a symbol of pride.

Speakin' of vidya gaem time-sinks, the monsters really do get cooler as ya go. The Brachydios certainly has an interestin' design, the Zinogre is quite cool, and the Agnaktor is particularly pawsome IMO. The latter was one hell of a fight, that's for sure. Deep regrets bringin' out the ice hammer for that hunt. I also paid dearly for skippin' the low rank mission that had ya huntin' one. T'is how I learned you only get two continues per hunt...

Oh, and I finally got my hands on a Rank 6 Longsword. Had t' amputate a few Sand Barioth tails for it, and in an attempt t' to avoid it's whirlyspintornadoglideofdeath attack, I created an amazing new technique no hunter has ever seen the likes of. I dub it, the Panic Dive.

... ... ... I really hope I ain't still in the dark of any other important controls like that.
... ... ... I really hope I ain't still in the dark of any other important controls like that.

There's the weapon class moves. If you're using a GS and not doing lvl 3 charges you're doing wrong. Hammer should whack a monsters head to knock it out. Lances should use counters frequently. The most effective bowgun users in Tri used cluster shots, but you could mix and match the guns components in that.
Didn't know 'bout any Lance counter... probably since I avoided 'em 'cause blocking is for [STRIKE]scrubs[/STRIKE] skilled hunters. Do Gunlances get it too, or is that what vLances have over 'em?

Was huntin' a Gobul. Apparently the bastard can paralyze ya with it's spines in High Rank... after learnin' the hard way I had t' retreat for some heals. Turned around to instead find a Royal Ludroth starin' me down at point blank. ;_; After I hunted that asshole down (and later learned what the "free hunt" bonus is for as a result), I came back for the Gobul. And it was walking about on land.

so very onixpected
A bit of Call of Pripyat. There's moments in the Stalker games that can't be replicated.

In the middle of the night, I wandered into a minefield to get access to some abandoned equipment. I received some damage to my armor from a mine that went off, but lived. Upon getting what I came for, I noticed some red columns in the far distance. There were also explosions heard. Row by row, the columns of fire kept appearing closer. Turns out a pack of about 2 dozen mutant animals composed of ones I've never seen before were charging my way, activating mines in their stampede. They just kept coming. They were easily swarming me and my firepower wasn't enough, so I took an energy drink and ran outta there, hitting more mines. I was bleeding out and my armor level was virtually gone. I just spammed the health-kit button and bandaged myself until I made it back to the Stalker base.
Nothing fills my heart with rainbows like seeing an opposing UU team with no spinner.

Unless said spinner is Hitmontop. I might as well be immune to Hitmontop.

I've been doing pretty well, winning most of the battles today. It's amusing watching Gligar take down a Rhyperior with bloody Aerial Ace, courtesy of Knock Off removing its Leftovers.

The team's main issue might be relying on Snorlax too much to take on Fire-types, Ice-types, set up sweepers, etc. It and Roserade are literally the only things I have that can take bulky special attackers, and Roserade has a lot of weaknesses, so I better hope Snorlax doesn't go down to Zapdos or somefin. I still have an immense weakness to Scrafty, as well.

The team is:

Sableye (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 248 HP / 116 Def / 136 SDef / 8 Spd
Calm Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Foul Play
- Recover
- Taunt

Sharpedo (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Waterfall
- Crunch
- Earthquake
- Protect

Roserade (F) @ Black Sludge
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 124 Def / 112 SDef / 20 Spd
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Aromatherapy
- Spikes
- Giga Drain
- Synthesis

Snorlax (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 158 HP / 200 Def / 152 SDef
Careful Nature
- Body Slam
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Whirlwind

Porygon-Z @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Tri Attack
- Dark Pulse
- Trick
- Psyshock

Gligar (M) @ Eviolite
Ability: Immunity
EVs: 252 HP / 216 Def / 32 SDef / 8 Spd
Impish Nature
- Roost
- Stealth Rock
- Aerial Ace
- Knock Off

I might wanna take some physical defense EV's from Roserade and put them into Sp. Defense, although I do enjoy having some extra physical bulk on her. Psyshock on Porygon-Z generally doesn't see use (it was mostly for killing Heracross easier but I have Gligar now), so I might replace it with Thunderbolt or something. I don't wanna use HP fighting like Smogon recommends because I find HP Fighting pretty meh on Porygon-Z. Sure, it hits steel and rock types harder, but the rest of my team handles those extremely well as it is.
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Hunted some Quropeco on this one quest that had the objective as "surivive 'til time's up" rather than "kill (monster) to win". Was expectin' a Deviljho or three, but was disappointed when t'was just a Rathian. And apparently five Quropeco for some reason. i dont even

... I killed the last one literally two seconds after time was up, as the bastard flew back 'n forth across five areas in the last two minutes'a the hunt, none the less most'a the transitions havin' him traveling across half the bloody island. ¬_¬ Was disappoint I missed cuttin' it up for some extra carves.

But my disappointment was quickly Splashed away when I got a Ruby for Free Huntin' that Rathian. :D One less rare carve I need t' grind later on.

It's amusing watching Gligar take down a Rhyperior with bloody Aerial Ace, courtesy of Knock Off removing its Leftovers.

... How many turns did that take? ._.;