The Popular/Highly Rated Games You Hate...


meh, people hate halo for no real reason except to be a rebel, aside from reasons such as you dont like FPSs, in which case dont even bother saying you dont like halo.. no one worships it like its a religion. people get hyped for it big time, just like SSB, cmon, youre all following a site giving you "1 new item" a day, if anythings..THATS a religion. halo is just a key franchise for xbox, its a megaton = to ssb/mario/zelda that you guys all drool over.
halo 1 was ground-breaking for the FPS franchise, metroid prime wouldnt been how it was without halo.
halo 2 has probably the best online to date. the stuff that is online for halo gives it HUGE replay abilities. if you can own 1 game for the xbox and only HAVE that game, it would be Halo 2, and youd never get bored if youre into FPSs, which is more than you can say for metal gear solid, mario, killzone, or zelda.
Halo 3 is expected to offer everything a FPS for this gen. can, but youre not allowed to give that hype without being called out?? but you can give hype to a badge that deflects bullets for a limited time?!?!?!?!?!?
now before you say: "youre just another one of em!!!" and walk at me with a pitchfork consider these 2 things
1: i would like to see what this post says challenged, it would be interesting, really.
2: im not even purchasing halo 3 (at least not planing to at the moment) because i have my eyes set on Bioshock then Call of Duty 4.

games i dont like..not hate..that are popular/highly rated:
Guitar Hero..i just cant get into the groove with rock music, rock+rhythm games dont mix for me
Call of Duty 3...i dont even want to start on this one.
league sports games...i dont find them that interesting. was a pretty good play, but an insult to the RE series.
I don't like Halo. I am a huge FPS fan, but somehow Halo 1 seemed mediocre to me.
I was really psyched about Halo when the E3 '00 Trailer occured. The game looked awesome! Everything was so cool, a huge map that you can walk on everywhere at any time. Animals, a dozen of cool weapons, the Beam Sword, a cool story, sweet online multiplayer and coop etc. etc. It was just frickn' amazing.
But then, when Microsh*t took over Bungie to make it a Xbox exclusive and Xbox launch title, they turned it into crap. It was a completly different game then.
Secumfex said:
I don't like Halo. I am a huge FPS fan, but somehow Halo 1 seemed mediocre to me.
I was really psyched about Halo when the E3 '00 Trailer occured. The game looked awesome! Everything was so cool, a huge map that you can walk on everywhere at any time. Animals, a dozen of cool weapons, the Beam Sword, a cool story, sweet online multiplayer and coop etc. etc. It was just frickn' amazing.
But then, when Microsh*t took over Bungie to make it a Xbox exclusive and Xbox launch title, they turned it into crap. It was a completly different game then.
but it also introduced dual analog control and became popular enough for it to be widely used in nearly every FPS to date.
you shouldnt blame m$ for all the stuff, im sure they didnt have that big of an impact on it besides some guidelines of what they wanted. halo started off as a RTS and changed dramatically even before m$ took over.
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I don't hate the Halo series, but what I do hate is Gears of War. My one friend got it the first day it came out and bragged about how great it was. So the one day he brought it over, and I was like is this really the game you've been talking about? I don't know it just didn't seem that great to me.
Smooth moves looked really good on tv but the games were so short and not being able to skip intros did my head in too.!!
Sillyhat said:
I don't hate the Halo series, but what I do hate is Gears of War. My one friend got it the first day it came out and bragged about how great it was. So the one day he brought it over, and I was like is this really the game you've been talking about? I don't know it just didn't seem that great to me.
well it was great for a good number of the 3 million people who bought it. it also rivals as one of my most favorite games of all time. once i saw a chainsaw kill i was hooked. but i come from a background of favorite games that include: Conkers Bad Fur Day, Resident Evil, and the works, so im a sucker for gore. but, are you sure part of you not thinking it was that great was a mental block from being jealous of your friend bragging? you dont need to admit it, it might not even be true, but this could happen without you realizing it, BECAUSE
Your brain owns you more than you do.
Sovieto said:
but it also introduced dual analog control and became popular enough for it to be widely used in nearly every FPS to date.

I forgot to mention that I'm a PC Gamer in the first place. Imagining playing FPS with a controller makes me sick. :sick:
Another reason why I got a Wii ;) So I can enjoy FPS even more ^^

you shouldnt blame m$ for all the stuff, im sure they didnt have that big of an impact on it besides some guidelines of what they wanted. halo started off as a RTS and changed dramatically even before m$ took over.

Well, i do blame M$ somewhat. But the point is that Halo turned in a crappy game, which is, how ever, still way overrated IMO.
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Wiired said:
New Super Mario Bros for sure. Everyone was like 'yeeeah it'll be like the oldschool games :O' but I feel the graphics ruined it. Bring out a new 32bit console, make a Mario game for it, and I'm there.

your totally right, my brother has it, i beat it in less than 2 damn days lol!:lol: do yes, it is too short, it did have good gameplay, but it was short.
Personally I think Halo is very overrated.

It didn't really inspire me. I mean, yay, shooting aliens...

...Been there done that.

Still would prefer Perfect Dark (the original) to Halo any day. Heck, I'd be fine limited to Goldeneye and it's 4-player max to even Halo online. In my opinion Halo is simply overrated.

And even though some people compare Metroid to Halo, I think that it's a bit stupid to count Halo 3 to be more of a success than Metroid Prime 3, atm. Personally, I would jump for joy if Metroid beat Halo 3 in sales, cos then it would restore my faith in gamers' tastes. Heck, I think most Mario games, I would rather replay than Halo. Just left a bitter taste in my mouth (so to speak).
Squall7 said:
Personally I think Halo is very overrated.

It didn't really inspire me. I mean, yay, shooting aliens...

...Been there done that.

Still would prefer Perfect Dark (the original) to Halo any day. Heck, I'd be fine limited to Goldeneye and it's 4-player max to even Halo online. In my opinion Halo is simply overrated.

And even though some people compare Metroid to Halo, I think that it's a bit stupid to count Halo 3 to be more of a success than Metroid Prime 3, atm. Personally, I would jump for joy if Metroid beat Halo 3 in sales, cos then it would restore my faith in gamers' tastes. Heck, I think most Mario games, I would rather replay than Halo. Just left a bitter taste in my mouth (so to speak).
=/ how could a game that standardized console FPS control be overrated? theres not much to hate in it. the first one had a fun storyline that was a blast on co-op. the second had extreme online. nintendo brought us mario. a platforming game, that was cloned, copied, and inspired platforming games from then to now. xbox came out in a different day in age, people were starving to get a game thats like goldeneye but with solid controls and awesome play, thus halo 1 was there. THEN, people said: Hey, why do the PC users get all this sweet online play, but were left with nothing? Thus, halo 2 was born and gave everything anyone could want and more. if a game anywhere near caliber of halo 2 came out on Wii, people would gobble it up and give it 10/10 just so they could get an awesome shooter online, would it be overrated? hell yes,look at metroid prime hunters, esp. since it was done last gen, but halo is the one that was the first one to do it. its a pioneer video game.
@your shooting aliens thing. halo is much more than that. just like mario is much more than jumping on mushrooms, and just like how zelda is about saving a princess. you can dumb down any game, dosent mean thats what it is.
@replay mario > halo. im talking about the online play, guess replay wasnt the best word. but with online play for any good game you can play it over and over and get a new experience each play. something that might not be as epic as a Final Fantasy ending, but offers solid fun for hundreds of hours.

im not so much just trying to defend halo, since im not even the biggest fan of it, i just fail to see why people hate it/think its overrated
Sovieto said:
=/ how could a game that standardized console FPS control be overrated?
It only stanrdardised it because it was popular (and IMHO overrated), doesn't mean it was good.

theres not much to hate in it.
Not much to like in it IMHO.

the first one had a fun storyline that was a blast on co-op.
Actually I found it boring on both counts.

the second had extreme online.
Sure, had American's playing it non-stop saying "noob" every five seconds. Doesn't exactly sound like a good game online to me, just a popular one. Heck, if I wanted to do that, I'd say something like "How do I ride the Warthog?" on an Xbox forum.

nintendo brought us mario. a platforming game, that was cloned, copied, and inspired platforming games from then to now.
And still remains the best of it's genre. It's also a classic in the eyes of many people, young and old.

xbox came out in a different day in age, people were starving to get a game thats like goldeneye but with solid controls and awesome play, thus halo 1 was there.
Goldeneye had better controls than Halo. Goldeneye was and is an awesome game. Much more exciting than Halo.

THEN, people said: Hey, why do the PC users get all this sweet online play, but were left with nothing? Thus, halo 2 was born and gave everything anyone could want and more.
How about a game that doesn't suck?!

if a game anywhere near caliber of halo 2 came out on Wii, people would gobble it up and give it 10/10 just so they could get an awesome shooter online, would it be overrated? hell yes,look at metroid prime hunters, esp. since it was done last gen, but halo is the one that was the first one to do it. its a pioneer video game.
It had online functions. It made online popular. Doesn't mean it was good. Otherwise it would be just a game that people glossed over. Its the fact that it was hyped so much that made it a "popular feature". Doesn't mean it deserves the hype though.

@your shooting aliens thing. halo is much more than that. just like mario is much more than jumping on mushrooms, and just like how zelda is about saving a princess. you can dumb down any game, dosent mean thats what it is.
Am I thinking of the wrong game then? Do you not literally go around shooting aliens? At least Metroid was more exploritory and had Zelda style items and eve do simple puzzles. Heck, every major Nintendo game, I would rather play than Halo. Heck, once you get past Red Steel's flawed controls, even that held my interest better than Halo.

@replay mario > halo. im talking about the online play, guess replay wasnt the best word. but with online play for any good game you can play it over and over and get a new experience each play. something that might not be as epic as a Final Fantasy ending, but offers solid fun for hundreds of hours.
Fun for hours? I didn't even have fun on Halo for 5 minutes. I just found it bland and wanting to play Goldeneye or Perfect Dark instead. Heck, even give me Turok 2 and let me at the Cerebral Bore. Online play is all fine and dandy, but really, it's more of an addiction to some people. I mean, heck that's why things like WoW and Second Life are so popular - they are addictive, trying to get the best stuff, as though it matters. It simply doesn't, it's a computer game.

im not so much just trying to defend halo, since im not even the biggest fan of it, i just fail to see why people hate it/think its overrated
Because it has a following that is unjustified to me. Sorry if you cannot see that, but it's not my problem.

*Puts on flameproof jacket*

And heck, the only reason I brought this up again was to allow you to see the difference between the original intent of this thread - simply sentences that describe a short bit on what game was overrated and why you think so. You see most of the other responses being slight disbelief. I.e. Not an debate. More like a "Throw in your 2 cents".

Just thought the atmosphere of this thread was nice and light before. I hope it can be again after this post...
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Sovieto said:
. xbox came out in a different day in age, people were starving to get a game thats like goldeneye but with solid controls and awesome play, thus halo 1 was there. THEN, people said: Hey, why do the PC users get all this sweet online play, but were left with nothing? Thus, halo 2 was born and gave everything anyone could want and more.

Actually, online multiplayer was announced for Halo 1 back in '99 (when it was still about to come to PC&Mac. It was a key element, but since M$'s Xbox Live was still in development and they wanted to charge money on online play, they simply took it out completly.
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Secumfex said:
Actually, online multiplayer was announced for Halo 1 back in '99 (when it was still about to come to PC&Mac. It was a key element, but since M$'s Xbox Live was still in development and they wanted to charge money on online play, they simply took it out completly.
of cant have your cake and eat it too....but i dont see what this deals with, people still wanted a console FPS. thank god it wasnt on PC or it probably wouldve just been another game and not have become so big.
Not if it would have been anything like it was about to be. P-U-R-E Awesomeness! HalfLife1 was about to get a real opponent. The Hype was endless, even back then.

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