The Popular/Highly Rated Games You Hate...

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Fastshadow said:
I hate tetris i dont care what anyone else says it's stupid:mad5:

Is it stupid to you because you suck at it?
i dunno if anyones tried to play it, but WoW....
its incredibly boring and all the people do in that game is call each other noobs...

after playing that i stuck with console games

and whoever mentioned halo (alot of you :p) i agree, too much hype for just another fps
Brady280 said:
Ive liked almost every game everyone has listed. One game I cant stand though is Final fantasy 12 I hated it. I liked the new battle system but I still prefer the old. Hopefully the next one wont have horrible voice acting and a story that isnt dull and hard to follow at times.
I agree. I liked the Gambit system -seemed quite innovative, and I understand that the main theme of FF12 was colonialisation and imperialism, and I can therefore see why most of the characters would have English voices, and a licensing system, but I just prefer FF7-10. Each one had quite a good theme really, FF10 being a potential parellel to religion, FF8 as a parellel with (I'm guessing) science in general and FF7 having a parellel with terrorism and global warming (makes sense if you think about what Avalanche really was, and the Mako could be an alternate for "Oil".)

But ye, I think they're really starting to go downhill. I yearn for the good old days, and still wish for a remake for the Wii...
Gears of War - its an above average shooter that's short and repititive. deserves no higher than 7.5 and its worshipped everywhere.
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Fastshadow said:
who likes tetris all u do is connect odd shapes and get points before it reaches the top!:mad5:

I'm guessing you have no idea how to play, usually people that know how to play games have more fun. :lol:
I HATED FFIII it was the worst game EVER! I don't see why you people even like it!!! It is SO bad! All you do is press attack, and even when I stopped becoming a freelancer they got WEAKER like what is up iwht it!!!! I HATE IT.

I think SSBB, super mario galaxy, and metoid prime are all gonna be rated 8 and up.

Oh, pokemon battle revolution was horrible. And they made it TOO 3-D it looks like they put a 3-D body and then just drew facees on it....
Slimi said:
I HATED FFIII it was the worst game EVER! I don't see why you people even like it!!! It is SO bad! All you do is press attack, and even when I stopped becoming a freelancer they got WEAKER like what is up iwht it!!!! I HATE IT.

I think SSBB, super mario galaxy, and metoid prime are all gonna be rated 8 and up.

Oh, pokemon battle revolution was horrible. And they made it TOO 3-D it looks like they put a 3-D body and then just drew facees on it....
Sure FF3 did suck sometimes but it was a great game. Last boss was insanely hard though O_O.

i think 9.0-up for Galaxy and Brawl and possibly Metroid 3
Yes, we get it. You hate Tetris. Anything else you'd like to contribute to the thread?

I've never played FF7 but I've seen the movie (Advent Children) and I like the depth of the characters! Is it a good game?
It is an excellent game one of the best. Personally I like ff9 better but 7 is the one most people like best. It has great characters and an awesome storyline.
Ok thank if only I had a PS2 =P

Anyways, I'm not really picky about games so I guess I don't really belong in this thread...although it can also go the other way around.

Some of the games that many people don't like capture me like no other...i.e. Shadow the Hedgehog. Many people hated it, but I love it!
En4Neo said:
Is it stupid to you because you suck at it?

LOL exactly, sometimes it's not the game that sucks.

I'd go with Socom. Such a standard 3rd-person shooter, and naturally being on PS2 (never seen the PS3 one) the graphics are Terrible. Choppy, ugly, and someone's not really hiding (which they shouldn't be anyway, panzies) if you can't see them because the graphics suck. It's not really fair for me to judge the game though because it's the complete opposite of my quake-style First Person Shooter gaming.

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