The Popular/Highly Rated Games You Hate...

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  • #16
sherwood3570 said:
The first Halo was actually pretty groundbreaking in the FPS genre in my opinion. Now Guitar Hero, I don't like that game at all.

I really dislike all these turn based games where your opponent doesn't even move when battling. I'm going to admit that I liked Pokemon when I was about 11, but that was becuase the game was so addicting.

Oh yeah, how could I forget Pokemon! I agree.

Pokemon was acceptable on the GB when the graphics weren't as capable. But common they could've given them some animation so it would've actually looked fun. I know it may be hard to have so much animation, but looking at something that looks like a moving picture is so 80's and not cool any more.

The game's formula is was good, but now it's too dated to enjoy IMO. You can easily get sucked into it, but you can get sucked into crappy games like Runescape.

Does that make them fun?


Also thanks for the Halo support, I'm tired of people giving it a bad name because some of its fans really suck. It's a great game.
Halo, Gears of War, Grand Theft Auto... Especially GTA. I can really go on forever if I wanted to.
Personally, I was one of those people who prefered Mortal Kombat over Street Fighter.

Street Fighter has had soo many incarnations, that it really just comes off as a money-grabber. Definately see Street Fighter as over-rated.
i hate
Metroid its sucks
Halo resons of hatrid
PSP well kinda no good games for it and a ton of people like it on here why? its a proven fact then when one psp gets sold 200 ds' have walked out the door
Runescape of gosh does it suck
Maplestory lame
DK 64 and banjo kazooie rule.

hyped crap:

WarioWare (all)
all the Dk bongo games
Metroid prime 1, 2.
Mario strikers (all)
all the sonic games except adventure 2: battle
Big Brain academy games
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I'm surprised none of you said Kingdom Hearts yet.

I will admit I enjoyed the game somewhat, but it doesn't deserve all the praise it gets. It's ultimately a mediocre game with horrible level design, dumb as rocks combat, and horribly easy difficulty in addition to some nice graphics and cut scenes however dumb the story is.
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Warioware is great! As is Metroid! And Kingdom Hearts is pretty cool too. It's got the intrigue of a FF storyline, but with a combat system that is actually a fairly decent combination of beat 'em up and RPG.

Personally I think Metal Gear is a little over-rated.
*Puts on Flame Suit with a +20 noob resistance*
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Squall7 said:
Warioware is great! As is Metroid! And Kingdom Hearts is pretty cool too. It's got the intrigue of a FF storyline, but with a combat system that is actually a fairly decent combination of beat 'em up and RPG.

Personally I think Metal Gear is a little over-rated.
*Puts on Flame Suit with a +20 noob resistance*

I agree with Warioware, but MP is horrible.

And MGS makes KH look like crap.
I've only played one Metal Gear game, Substance for Xbox...and I hated it. I felt like I wasted my money on another Splinter Cell type game.
MP horrible?!? Did you actually play all the way through or did you decide it wasn't what you were expecting and just give up? I love both of 'em and can't wait for 3 =P

As for Halo and Kingdom Hearts...pretty good, but not as good as people say...

There are actually a lot of things in this thread I disagree with...but it's all opinion =P
Ive liked almost every game everyone has listed. One game I cant stand though is Final fantasy 12 I hated it. I liked the new battle system but I still prefer the old. Hopefully the next one wont have horrible voice acting and a story that isnt dull and hard to follow at times.

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