the OFFICIAL US wiichat MSC tourney

I dont add people who I dont know. It is annoying to get request after request and therefore, if I dont know you then I dont reply. It is nothing personal.

I just really dont get the point. Whats the difference between playing someone you havent gotten a chance to meet on WiiChat and playing a random person online. You get to play a random person...from WiiChat? Perhaps we will play one day after I get to know you better.
haha wow I cant believe I forgot you. I remember you now, I'll pm you sometime.
thanks man, it seems all that training has made you forget about us: the good compatriots. lol
Jorge your inbox is full. Here is my response to your PM:

I log on in the morning and dont log off until night, regardless of whether I am playing or even home. How about tomorrow around 10-11 in the morning?

EDIT: Are Ohio and Florida in the same time zone? I think so...
Game 1: 4-3 Me
Game 2: 4-5 Him
Game 3: 0-5 Him
Game 4: 3-2 Me
Game 5: 5-3 Me

I won series 3-2. Great games cookies!
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  • #114
v6jbird said:
Game 1: 4-3 Me
Game 2: 4-5 Him
Game 3: 0-5 Him
Game 4: 3-2 Me
Game 5: 5-3 Me

I won series 3-2. Great games cookies!

good game, updating bracket
v6jbird said:
Game 1: 4-3 Me
Game 2: 5-4 Him
Game 3: 5-0 Him
Game 4: 3-2 Me
Game 5: 5-3 Me

I won series 3-2. Great games cookies!

Those were some close games. By any chance is this a double knock out where theirs a losing side now? :lol:
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  • #116
i thought about doing a double elmination round, but i dont know how to set that up.
doosta said:
i thought about doing a double elmination round, but i dont know how to set that up.

look this up on google "double knockout tournament 16 teams" then the first one should be a pdf then just the index to find 16 team double knockout 1 winner or if you want 16 team double knockout 2 winners.
I've added everyone in the tournament in my friendlist. Please do the same with me!
LevesqueIsKing said:
Jorge your inbox is full. Here is my response to your PM:

I log on in the morning and dont log off until night, regardless of whether I am playing or even home. How about tomorrow around 10-11 in the morning?

EDIT: Are Ohio and Florida in the same time zone? I think so...

Ok 10:00am to 11:00am it is, and I do think that Ohio and Florida are in the same time zone.