the OFFICIAL US wiichat MSC tourney

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  • #136
LevesqueIsKing said:
This is getting ridiculous. I forfeit to jorgelink.

Anybody else want to forfeit? Let me know. There's a special today!
What happened to no byes? Was I right when I said this looks to be dieing out? everyones quiting.
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  • #138
ilikecookies said:
What happened to no byes? Was I right when I said this looks to be dieing out? everyones quiting.

The reason people are quiting is because of their opponent and the complications with the matches.

Yes, I know I said no byes, but if your opponent forfeits and you go to the next round that's not a bye. If you went to the next round without playing someone that's a bye. Tomatoes tomatas.

It is dieing a little, hopefully we can pick it up next round, hopefully. The uk tourny died around the 2nd round, iirc. Sucked because theirs looked pretty good. Oh well, if this go 6ft under we got sarai's tourny, hopefully that does better
doosta said:
Yes, I know I said no byes, but if your opponent forfeits and you go to the next round that's not a bye. If you went to the next round without playing someone that's a bye. Tomatoes tomatas.

if your opponent forfeits that means you move to the next round with out playing anyone... How isn't that a bye?:sick: I'll take someones spot:ciappa:
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  • #142
ilikecookies said:
lol nice! Alright, I'll pm him right now. have till thursday right?


Hopefully them replacements are still active
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me and max are having so much troble... i keep on getting dissconnected after i accept the match.. its the stupid servers. i was on earlier around 5 and everything was perfect, i didnt get disconnected once
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  • #145
Wiitime said:
me and max are having so much troble... i keep on getting dissconnected after i accept the match.. its the stupid servers. i was on earlier around 5 and everything was perfect, i didnt get disconnected once

Are you guys in different time zones. Keep trying but schedule early or late in the day. Servers should be less cluttered, right? Haven't played online yet, but that is how servers work most of the time.
max won the series 3-0.. i got destroyed.. the third game was my best.. but i couldnt win.. so im out of the tournament
Alright, I'm playing my game right now I'll edit to show scores.

Game one: 5 - 2 me

Game two: I was winning 3 - 0 then lost connection, 10 minutes later and hes still not on.
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ilikecookies said:
Alright, I'm playing my game right now I'll edit to show scores.

Game one: 5 - 2 me

Game two: I was winning 3 - 0 then lost connection, 10 minutes later and hes still not on.
I did tell you about this guy, didn't I?