the OFFICIAL US wiichat MSC tourney

Ok I guess I know who my next opponent is...........zelda4life. Btw zelda4life I already added your msc fc, add mines which is in my sign. My mii name for msc is Jorge, what's yours?

PS: doosta I added your msc fc to my friend roster add mines is in my sign, what's your mii name mines is Jorge.
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jorgelink said:
Ok I guess I know who my next opponent is...........zelda4life. Btw zelda4life I already added your msc fc, add mines which is in my sign. My mii name for msc is Jorge, what's yours?
ok. ill add you right now. um.. Mii names is gonna be "Hugo"
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  • #228
my name is austin. i'm going to update the bracket right now.

hey you guys dont have to play by a certain time frame as long as you guys find time to play.
ZeLdA4LiFe said:
jorgelink, do you want to get our match outta the way and do it now??
Sure but we got to wait until we get connected and become friends on our friend roster.

Edit: I'll play u at 12:50pm ok.
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  • #231
hey i got a question, when the quality connection comes up. is the the connection for the two of us or just the other person? was always confused about that
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  • #235
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wario2ooo said:
im going to play msc.....lets see if u can match up to me
lol dude, you have no idea how sleepy i am!! i have not slept for the entire NIGHT!!! my eyes are red as fudge.

but then again, i dont like playin any of my possible opponents. it only gives them an idea of how i play, and that can be my major downfall

when our time comes, we'll meet in the finals.............if i make it that is :)
wario2ooo said:
:lol:....see YOU! in the finals
:lol: if i do make it................THEN ILL SEE YOU THERE :)

ok you guys, im off for the day. be back in like 5 or 6 hours. i need some sleep!!! thank god for summer vacay!!! :)
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  • #240
wario2ooo said:
:lol:....u got school next week....i think

no, if he's in California, we don't start school until the first week of sept or last week of august (depending if he's in high school or college).