The Official Pokemon Challenge Thread - Black/White Edition

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  • #391
Aight Riko, your last Poke is Ninetails. Have a fun challenge. :thumbsup:
where can i get a metal coat for steelix
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o.o which game are you referring too? In Pokemon Black/White its located on Route 13 Twist Mountain during WINTER only. In Heart Gold/Soul Silver its located in JOHTO on the SS Anne. In Diamond/Pearl/Platinum its located on Iron Island.
Thanks everyone, so the pokemon I will use is:
Think this will be kinda hard so wish me luck
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  • #395
Oh wow, you're right Dave... Didn't think there was a metal coat you could find just lyin' around in BW. Derpsome of me...

Thanks for giving me accurate information on finding metal coats, Serebii... -_______-

Thanks everyone, so the pokemon I will use is:
Think this will be kinda hard so wish me luck

Aye, challenges with six Pokemon always have a bit more difficulty. Grass types aren't exactly the best type out there either, so you might have a tough road ahead of ya, n0on3. Good luck. :lol:

Important Announcement!

The rules for every single challenge have been either updated, or changed! You aren't expected to read 'em all, but the usual applies. If you do plan to do any new challenges after this announcement, read over the rules of that challenge real quick. If you're currently in a challenge, you do not need to worry about any possible rule violations your challenge might cause. The challenge will still be regarded as 100% valid, and you can continue as normal.


No Items Challenge (idea thanks to Wiichat's own Sharpedo, Neosquid)

Incredibly simple, incredibly difficult. Any items that aren't necessary for progressing through the game, you aren't allowed to use.

1. The only items allowed are those necessary to progress the story and get the team you want, i.e. key items, Pokeballs, evolutionary items, etc. Anything not necessary (TMs, potions, hold items [aside from the Everstone], etc.) are not allowed.

2. Rule #1 takes priority over any other challenge's rules regarding items in the case of a combined challenge. i.e. TMs are not allowed for Moveset challenges, and hold items are banned for the Battle Tower challenge.

3. You are not allowed to turn off the power, reset, etc. if you White Out/are on the verge of whiting out. The challenge itself is ramping up the difficulty in the purest form possible. Thus, to record your skill, at the end of your challenge you will state how many times you whited out. The less, the better obviously. You are also not allowed to turn off the game unless you have just then saved.

4. If items necessary to the story have multiple different uses, you may only use it for the purpose of progressing the game. i.e. the Pokeflute; you can and must use it to wake up any Snorlax blocking your path. You may not however, use it to wake up any other sleeping pokemon (inside or outside of battle).

If ya ever need to read these rules if you intend to take this challenge, they're in the second post (obviously). Admittedly, I'm gonna shift from speed running a game from every generation to no-item challenging a game of every generation; except for gen 1, since I'm just 'bout done with Blue anyways. Thanks Nicky. :D

... Yes, I know the official rules are long overdue. I forgot more times than Ash has Tauros, sue me. And speaking of official rules, I wrote those at 2 AM, so if you see and loop holes/suggestions for new rules, do post 'bout 'em. =)
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Challenge Update

Ok I have caught hoppip, tangela, seedot and shroomish. Just need to breed them and then trade the eggs. Hopefully will be starting this weekend.

Just a quick question, what is the rules on using the dream world to capture pokemon for challenges?
Challenge Update

Rose(roselia) level 19
Tremor(onix) level 18
Kyubi(vulpix) level 18
Anubis(riolu) level 19
Pansage level 10 (HM slave)

the second gym leader beat me once but then i restrategized and cleared it without to much trouble
current location: pinwheel forest
white outs: 1
favorite's list: in order from greatest to least
but i still like all of them
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  • #399
Just a quick question, what is the rules on using the dream world to capture pokemon for challenges?

Hmmm... That's a good question. All these rules were made during 4th Gen prior to the dream world, and I've yet to take the DW into account. I'd say they're allowed for everything but the Speed challenge; the no trading rule is so you can't use Pokemon outside of the game's region, and the Dream World wouldn't be in spirit of that rule.

Though, for any challenge it'd really just be easier work to trade eggs over. If you wanna use DW Pokes you're free to, but I personally don't see any real benefit...

Am I allowed to do challenges on games such as ShinyGold, Liquid Crystal, etc.?

Well, you sure as **** are, but they won't get into the hall of fame. Nor will you get those fancy "Challenge accepted!" notifications that make everyone so happy. If ya wanna scramble such rom hacks, I certainly wouldn't mind you using the thread to round up a team either.
houndour and heracross

Challenge Update

Kyubi(Vulpix) level 23
Anubis(Lucario) level 23
Rose(Roselia) level 22
Tremor(Onix) level 20
Pansage level 10 (HM slave)

about to fight the 3rd gym which shouldnt be to hard with kyubi's fire spin and ember
Current Location:castalia gym
Favorites list (from greatest to least)
I want to do a scramble on Emerald with only 3 pokemon since I am required to have a starter.
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