The Official Pokemon Challenge Thread - Black/White Edition

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I accepteth thy challenge.......eth

Got bored playing my Emerald lately. I'll take a scramble monotype without trading, meaning 3rd gen pokes only. It's fine if I don't have a full party of 6, just give me a challenge :D
I'll show you the real power of the magnificent bird Pokémon!

Beating the Sprout Tower was just Training. Just boring battles.
After beating Elder Li, and using my Escape Rope, I can finally beat the Gym. And I took 4 Updates. Anyway, I head over to the Gym. With Rocky in slot 1, I'm about to destroy Falkner. I go up the elevator thing and Bird Keeper Abe challenges me. OHKO on Spearow. Next Pokemon Trainer, Bird Keeper Rod, another OHKO on Pidgey. To easy. Rocky levels up. Another Pidgey, another KO.When I finally battle him, I just keep using Rock Throw, and Rocky isn't listening because he's past level 10. I manage to KO the Pidgey after several disobeyed orders and can't land any successful hits, except one Rock Throw, which Pidgeotto just Roostes off. Time for DaQuil. DaQuil land a 50% damage hit on Pigeotto, and then goes for a Quick Attack. Pidgeotto roosts it off. After many Embers, and Many roosts, DaQuil gets a crit and KOs Pidgeotto. Rocky and DaQuil level up. I get the badge, and Rocky will obey me till level 20, which is a bit of a jump, considering that's only 8 levels, now that hes 12. He gives me Roost, which will be good for Bird. After I leave the gym, Prof. Elm asks me to get the egg, which isn't a part of my team, but I have to get it anyway. I go to the Pokemart, get my Super Potions and the egg, then go and talk to the Kimono lady, then deposit the egg, and I'm on my way to Azaelea Town. When the old guy stopped me, I thought I hadn't completed the Violet City plot. Then I realized he was just giving me Pear's item: The Miracle seed.

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Do other people add on to my team or do I just have those? Also, HM slaves are allowed right? I'll start my game now, if anybody wants me to get a lotad, seedot, or shroomish tell me soon lol.
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Do other people add on to my team or do I just have those? Also, HM slaves are allowed right? I'll start my game now, if anybody wants me to get a lotad, seedot, or shroomish tell me soon lol.
Other people will give you your other pokemon. 2 each max.
I give you Linoone (great HM slave :D) and Gardevoir

I'm also doing another speed-run for sapphire. I'm trying to beat my previous time. I'm only going to give very, very brief updates as I intend to do exactly the same thing as last time.

I've just beaten the third gym and am 22 minutes ahead of my previous time :D (Told you they would be very brief)
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Other people will give you your other pokemon. 2 each max.
I give you Linoone (great HM slave :D) and Gardevoir

I appreciate it, and I'll probably use Linoone anyway, but I have a mono-type challenge lol. My type is Grass, and the Pokes that were given to me are Sceptile and Cacturne. Nothing outside of Gen 3 :p
Glomperful, you shall have... Tropius (Grass flying, for convenience and fly) and Breloom

Move set... for Tropius, Sunny Day, Solar-beam, synthesis and fly. (ability: optional, but I recommend chlorophyll for a great pokemon!)

Idea for a Sceptile Moveset: Dragon claw, leaf blade, crunch and focus blast.

A lot of thought went into this, enjoy!

Thinking of doing a mono-type normal run on pokemon platinum.

Any pokemon suggestions?
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I appreciate it, and I'll probably use Linoone anyway, but I have a mono-type challenge lol. My type is Grass, and the Pokes that were given to me are Sceptile and Cacturne. Nothing outside of Gen 3 :p
Oh... I guess I didn't read it properly.:lol:
I'll give you Ludicolo then, leaving one spot for an HM slave.
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Ludicolo IS a HM slave. It can learn surf, dive and waterfall. :)
And flash (He can as a Lotad. I'm not sure if he can learn it later. I haven't checked) :lol:. At least he has pokemon that can learn all of the HMs (If he choses to use Linoone)

Glomperful, seeing as you have 4 pokemon and I only gave you 1, I'll also give you a Shiftry (I just realised both pokemon I gave you use evolution stones to evolve. Totally an accident.)
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Err, I had Breloom up there...

That makes it (With ideas of moves):

Ludicolo: flash, waterfall, dive, surf


Sceptile: Dragon claw, leaf blade, crunch, focus blast

Tropius: Sunny Day, solarbeam, synthesis, fly. (ability: Try for chlorophyll)


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I just realised that as well as the fact that I chose 2 pokemon that evolve with stones, they are both potential HM slaves. :D

Suggested HM slaves:
Shifty-rock smash, cut, strength
Ludicolo-flash, waterfall, surf, dive
These are only suggestions. You can use your own if you want.
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Okay, SplashKing, I am doing Single Challenge with Black: My Pokemon is Mankey, NOT Primeape, so It's Unevolved single. I'm hacking in Mankey, tho. Is that okay if it's level five?
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