the official mario galaxy help thread

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if you are bad at directions then try this, keep trying to climb up to different grounds. the place where he is consists of a large circle and water in the middle. just go up the slope in which you start the level at with bee mario and look for the tree on the edge, facing the rock/boulders

hope this helps,
i currently have 70 stars with aprox. 19hrs of gameplay
I require some assistance please. Don't laugh, I'm aware I suck. But, I'm in the Good Egg Galaxy, in the "A Snack of Cosmic Proportions" stage thingy. I've gone to all of the different planets within the stage I think, and I'm at a planet thingy that is an orange star. There were 5 blue star point pieces that I had to collect, and now I've gotten them. On each point of the orange star, there are the blue orb thingys that you press A to get into, and you can float from one to another.
In the middle of the orange star planet I'm on, there's a Grand Star! HOW DO I GET AT IT?
Thank you :\

EDIT: Got it, it just took about an hour -.-
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I recently got SMG and i have a bone to pick with it. well, not really a bone. More of a bone fragment.
There is a control issue. The controls are a bit... i don't know... weird. I'm not sure what i is but it's a tad annoying. The thing about control problems, is that u can't tell what they are. The controls just feel a bit awkward and sometimes uncomfortable.
Now don't get me wrong, i love this game. However, i think there is a few things that are a pain in the ass. So, i don't think it deserves the high reviews that i have read. Still a great game though. and i haven't finished it. I'm on 26 stars because i've been playing quite a few games recently and i have a lack of time for all of them.
Alright. This has nothing to do with help or anything but i just wanted to say that SMG was a terrific game. HIGHEST RATED GAME OF ALL TIME! I can see why.
I liked how Bowser had 3 stages to his final boss battle/encounter.
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if by fourth battle, you mean fourth enemy base then it is the same as the second
You have to dodge him when he uses his spikes to try and hit you. When he turns into a rock hit him wen his head is showing. And use the green plants that fling so they can hit him. That should be about it. Any more advice post here.
can you ever go back to the gateway galaxy

or can you never go back
Help! I can't get the last purple coin in FreezeFlame - the one way on top of the pillar in the main little lake in the front there.

UPDATE: Ok, fine. While attempting a triple jump for the 90 millionth time my nunchuck decided that that was a perfect time to force me to swim around in circles in the ice, thus draining my last 2 lives and letting me start over. I'm not bitter, though, much.
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pkstudios said:
Help! I can't get the last purple coin in FreezeFlame - the one way on top of the pillar in the main little lake in the front there.

UPDATE: Ok, fine. While attempting a triple jump for the 90 millionth time my nunchuck decided that that was a perfect time to force me to swim around in circles in the ice, thus draining my last 2 lives and letting me start over. I'm not bitter, though, much.

I think i did the duck-back flip to get up, possible with a spin to boast the jump up a little more if needed, but i think a simple back-flip got me up. Once up a back-flip and then spin was more then enough to get the coin.
Thanks Pnuts. I finally managed to get the jump right after having to change out the nunchuck. That thing had a death wish for me.
drunk_duck said:
I recently got SMG and i have a bone to pick with it. well, not really a bone. More of a bone fragment.
There is a control issue. The controls are a bit... i don't know... weird. I'm not sure what i is but it's a tad annoying. The thing about control problems, is that u can't tell what they are. The controls just feel a bit awkward and sometimes uncomfortable.
Now don't get me wrong, i love this game. However, i think there is a few things that are a pain in the ass. So, i don't think it deserves the high reviews that i have read. Still a great game though. and i haven't finished it. I'm on 26 stars because i've been playing quite a few games recently and i have a lack of time for all of them.
There is a slight control issue i noticed early on in some levels in the game (actually more to do with the camera) but it dosent seem to continue on in later levels, in fact the game gets better the further you get. 26 stars is barely anywhere in this game, there are some amazing levels to come, just keep going and the issues will disapear.
in the golden leaf galaxy located in the engine room, there is a big coin below the galaxy itself. if you go up to the place where you had to rescue luigi on the tree and look down towards where you first begin the stage, you'll be able to see it. anyone know how to get to it without dying?
BW! yes you can go back later,

yes doda bird you have to get the bee mario suit.

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