The next Gameboy at E3?

here is my idea...

make the top screen the whole size..and make it touchscreen too!
then you can flip it around and shut its just a giant touch screen on the front..and nothing else..(kinda like the iphone) and then there could be more features...edit-speakers would be on the side or something!

a) built in internet
b) 2gb flash...for music/photos/videos
c) wifi...with like pictochat with friend a ds msn like
d) no support for gba..but yes for older ds games!
e) with the flash..u could sync vc games from the wii to the ds..or buy mini games on the wii and sync it

price: $199.usd

the image..its made with paint..u get the point

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um ok but now you have a kinda mentally disabled handheld becuase it has 2 different sized screens and no speakers.
And dont want to carry around my DS2 and a SP. i like the big screen but it doesnt all work together.....

2 things i want...
THat badass motion sensor from WArioware and i want Vibration

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