DS vs. DS Lite


WiiChat Member
Dec 30, 2007
Richland, MI
Hey there everyone! I'm new here and can't wait to get back into the world of Nintendo, I've gotten sort of disillusioned with the rest of the gaming world.

I want to ask real quick which handheld would be my best choice here, the DS or DS Lite? Or, should I just wait for spring to roll around for the rumored Wii price drop and buy the Wii instead?

My last Gameboy was the Advance and after playing that for a few years I turned over to Playstation 2. Well, Playstation isn't doing so well now and they haven't really done much to improve their system except for beefier graphics I guess. To me though, graphics do not make the game.

So, with the advent of the Wii and the DS I figure now is as good a time as any to get back to my Nintendo roots. I've bought my first issue of Nintendo Power since the late 90's and have set aside the cash to purchase a new Nintendo console/handheld.

I can't wait to hear your responses and I hope you are all as nice as I hope you are! lol

Best regards,
DS Lite definitely. There is also a newer, slimmer version of the DS coming out. But it won't be revealed until "the current DS Lite sales slow down," so I don't see it coming out anytime soon.

BTW, welcome to the forums. I'm new to this forum myself.
The DS Lite is the much better bet. The only reason why you should buy a phat would be if you had massive hands. (The edges on the lite may make it hard to hit the triggers without pain otherwise)
Ya I would say DS right now because they are easier to find.The WII you can barely find and it is selling so good they wont drop the price.Oh and the Phat dont get that the lite is litter slimer and brighter.
comparioson and there are alot more on youtube.

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What about the Lite being more prone to the hinge cracking? Also, given that using a laptop for more then 20 minutes or so will cause my hands to hurt crazy bad do you think the "phat" would be a better choice for me?
I still say Lite..its generally made to be a upgrade from the DS.Despite the issue with the laptop if your hands arent all massive and stuff you should be fine.
i'm surprised everyone said the ds. i would have said the wii, even though they are hard to find so far for me it's been well worth the money. i'm sure after the holidays it won't be as hard if you know where to look and what not.

but whatever, everyone has their own opinions, in the end youre gonna get what you want anyway. :lol:
swskeptic said:
What about the Lite being more prone to the hinge cracking? Also, given that using a laptop for more then 20 minutes or so will cause my hands to hurt crazy bad do you think the "phat" would be a better choice for me?

One of the hinges cracked on my DS Lite, but it doesn't open/close any differently. I stuck a dab of super glue in the crack (not in the hinge) and it's fine. I figure part of the problem is that I'm pretty rough on my stuff. I didn't have it in a separate case. I usually just throw it in with my laptop.

And I have pretty big hands (long fingers) and the Lite is fine for me.
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Thanks for all the help everyone!

I'm hoping I can find a good deal on a Lite so I can still afford a game to! lol.

Do I really have to buy another cartridge to use the web browser? Is it even worth it?

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