The Many Holidays of Every Day

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  • #242
Then you have no sense of humor.

Post of the day coming soon...
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  • #243
November 21st

Today, we've got a relatively small five holidays; thank god, since I'm ****ing exhausted and my typing is even more unprofessional than usual. :lol:

Gingerbread Day
Alascattalo Day
World Television Day
World Hello Day
Ratification Day (North Carolina)

Gingerbread Day celebrates gingerbread as being delicious, 'nuff said; and no damn by products or gingerbread-esque foods, the bread itself. Gingerbread dates all the way back to the 900s, invented by Armenians. Brought to France by an Armenian monk in 992, for seven years the monk taught French bakers how to make "pain d'épices". It wasn't until the 18th century that knowledge of making Gingerbread and the resources needed to bake it (ginger :p) were widespread, and was a bit of a rarity prior to this.

Alascattalo Day is just one big bag of lulz. Just read this. :lol:

World Television Day is every day in America, but outside this god forsaken country and in the past, the TV is more than just an outlet to waste time. More vivid than a radio in the name of spreading news and more flexible than said sound-only invention, the TV was an amazing invention at it's debut. It may be the cause of obesity more often than not, but it's also the reason people before or without internet aren't left behind by the going-ons in the world. The modern world certainly would be different without the boob tube's existence.

World Hello Day is the day to say hello, and with all-due gusto. In modern day life, we're hardly connected to anyone anymore (unless you're from the internets, of course). When out and about (in cities and towns, at least), we walk past countless people without so much as a glance. Just a century ago, entire communities and towns were close-knit and would always exchange greetings, and often more than just a "hello". These days, we hardly give a quick greeting to our neighbors. That's modern life for ya; so why not say quite a few hellos for today?

North Carolina's Ratification Day celebrates the day NC was ratified as the 12th state, way back in 1788... How exciting.

I have no holiday pick of the day today. And no hello either, instead a goodbye; or rather, goodnight. Sleeeeeeeep... ... ...
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  • #245
February 13th, mah boi. A few months away.

Post of the day coming soon.
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  • #246
November 22nd

Today, we've got a good seven holidays.

Cashew Day
Go For A Ride Day
Start Your Own Country Day
Saint Cecilia Feast Day
Assassination Date of John F. Kennedy
Independence Day (Lebanon)
Humane Society's Anniversary

Cashew Day celebrates these delicious nuts (gay joke = ban) for... er, I'm not sure if there's a reason behind the date. But whatever. There certainly is some controversy in the Vietnamese cashew market, however. "Drug treatment centers" tend to whisk away said druggies (in a country where they aren't even illegal) to these prisons, and force them to harvest cashews; that ain't no treatment I've ever heard of. It can qualify as slave labor too; workers are very often beaten and given bare bones shelter after an absurdly hard day's work. The laughable pay they get is also minimized by charges such as for lodging 'n food and mysterious, unexplainable fees nobody seems to know about. Yep, Vietnam corporations know how to get it's cheap labor fixes...

Go For A Ride Day: ohai Squall Leonhart. There's a decent amount of automobile and transportation-related history on November 22nd, so go for a ride today; if the weather allows. snowingoverherelol. Since I got to reference revolver drive, holiday pick of the day. :lol: Not like any of today's holidays are grand anywho.

Start Your Own Country Day was created in 1939 as a joke at New York's World's Fair in response to the Great Depression. With that in mind, buy a plot of land, design your own flag, and declare your independence from whatever country you previously lived in! Yes, it's that easy! No, it's not...

Saint Cecilia Feast Day is celebrated as the patroness of musicians, as she sang to God in the face of death. I'll sure as **** sing some generic country music as I die if that makes me a saint. =D

Assassination Date of John F. Kennedy; terrible irony how close this is to RFK's birthday. RIP JFK.

Lebanon's Independence Day celebrates the day in 1943 they became independent from France when Germany had occupied France in WWII. They called bullshit and tried to throw the new Lebanese government in jail, but international pressure called out France on their decision, and Lebanon was officially recognized. That certainly is one way to get independence...

The US' Humane Society celebrates it's 51st Anniversary today... I think. There've been shifts in the official date; which gets even more confusing since the humane society was founded in the summer of 1960.

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  • #251
The deliciousness of a pomegranate seed comes from the casings and not from the seed itself, and therefore your argument is null and void.

Not that I'll argue in that they're copious amounts of delicious.