The Macho/Chauvenistic Movement THREAD!

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  • #31
[DT] said:
X2 :D

Here's one just for you:

Women are like guns, keep one around long enough and your going to want to shoot it.

HAHAHA where do you come up with this stuff?!

and Wario, everybody wants you in their groups!
[DT] said:
X2 :D

Here's one just for you:

Women are like guns, keep one around long enough and your going to want to shoot it.
Damn [DT] you're just full of good ones today. :lol:
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  • #38
We're all macho here!!!! MACHO MACHO MEN!! (yeahhhh) I want to be a MACHO MAN!

DT good ones!
wario2ooo said: macho?....:wtf:

Well your gender says "manish", so that's a start. Besides why would you be in this thread? Reverse logic: if you're IN this thread then you must be what the title indicates.


Mucho Macho.
kiraownsurmom said:
lol yes wario believe it or not underneath your babyish attitude theres a macho,beer guzzling,wife beating,dog running-overing macho man

Holy smokes! Nice delivery!

[Follows up with manly <not gay> ass pat]

Umm, though I'm feeling a disturbance in the Macho-Force - me thinks women have infiltrated our beer swilling ranks..
kiraownsurmom said:
lol yes wario believe it or not underneath your babyish attitude theres a macho,beer guzzling,wife beating,dog running-overing macho man
i am none of
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