The Macho/Chauvenistic Movement THREAD!

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HAHHAA yeah I just realized I did spell it wrong which makes it more obvious that it's all a joke! and since we have the same rights(men and women) that's why I started this movement, I mean women have their feminist one right? so we're all the same if we men have this one.
Yo dude you're gonna get banned from here acting like this.

If you don't like a thread, or ain't interested in it, don't post. It's rather simple. So if you haven't got anything constructive to say then I suggest you leave.
{Axtlár} said:
HAHHAA yeah I just realized I did spell it wrong which makes it more obviouse it's all a joke! and since we have the same rights(men and women) that's why I started this movement, I mean women have their feminist one right? so we're all the same if we men have this one.

wheres the photo album?
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surfinrach90 said:
Yo dude you're gonna get banned from here acting like this.

If you don't like a thread, or ain't interested in it, don't post. It's rather simple. So if you haven't got anything constructive to say then I suggest you leave.

Thanks for the help, Rach!:wink: are you in or not? hehe

yeahhhh DT!!!! high five man!
{Axtlár} said:
Thanks for the help, Rach!:wink: are you in or not? hehe

dude i wouldnt care if i got banned. its not like the sky is gonna fall on me if i get banned, there are many sites like this that i can join
[DT] said:
How can there be women in this thread? They should be pregnent, barefoot and making us men folks some pie.
That's good. I have a lot of respect for women, but

I don't feel like reading the last four pages of the photo album, so can someone readers digest it for me?
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Lol, I know that, Vashii, I have been banned before, but you gotta understand I am not encouraging the thought of you getting banned, I was encouraging the thought of help that there's no controversy in here, I have nothing against you man! let's just have fun!

Blueovaboy: girls starting to threaten us saying feminists would come after us for saying macho things(it was all a joke of course), so that's practically why I started this "movement" I mean if they can be feminists why can't we be macho? equal rights right?
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blueovalboy7 said:
I don't feel like reading the last four pages of the photo album, so can someone readers digest it for me?

X2 :D

Here's one just for you:

Women are like guns, keep one around long enough and your going to want to shoot it.
{Axtlár} said:
Lol, I know that, Vashii, I have been banned before, but you gotta understand I am not encouraging the thought of you getting banned, I was encouraging the thought of help that there's no controversy in here, I have nothing against you man! let's just have fun!

allright man its cool. i come to your thread to seek a little excitement with the arguments in my otherwise boring life
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