The Legend of Zelda the Twilight Princess.

I dont need your nintendo sales pitch. Ive been sold on wii since day one and Ive owned every nintendo console. I just dont feel like TP will win any awards for graphics. I still think they will be better than any other zelda and will definitely be good enough for me.

I know ocarina set the bar, but I dont know if this game can reach it - Im really not sold on the changing into a wolf thing. I hated turning into a bunny and i hated turning into a deku scrub - while its an interesting concept I think its overdone and Im tired of it. They will have to do something really special with this one or I will see it as a small setback in an otherwise great game. But then again I always put my faith in nintendo to put out great stuff. . .so we will see and I should own this game on launch day if everything goes my way.
I think the wolf thing will turn into a good thing maby link wants blood when he turns into a wolf haha maby we shouldn't get him angry we wouldn't like him when he's angry haha
turning into other things was great for me. i like some variety when im playing zelda. and it also gives new strategy for solving puzzles and fighting enemies. it will be good in TP (in my opinion) that you turn into a wolf so it takes away your civilized nature and have you rely on primal instincts and natural weapons.
yeah I wonder if instinct will be part of the wlf side effect? any word on that like what will be the effect will there be a differnce or if that's how we get to the twilight zone
(heh, twilight zone) yeah, link will probably get angry at something because hes so restricted to a weaker body (like MM) and then take it out on his enemies.
idk I can't watch movies on this but in an older song by thwm it said

"link has come to town"
"come to save the princess zelda"
"ganon took her away, now the children don't play, but they will when link saves the day"
"link fill up your hearts"
"so you can shoot your sword of power"

and there is more but I can't remember its been years haha