The Legend of Zelda the Twilight Princess.

cuz I use my phone to go online and I'm limited to the abilities I can do online but at least it takes me online but back on topic is horse back going to be like the boat in ww? or will it be an option like oot? and one more if its like ww will it be as boring cuz that was really boring just riding the forever to the next part and payin all that money or maps
yeah that was a total let down I would go make food while sailing instead of watch it haha but then sometime you got knocked out of the boat and drowned that sucked
Lol, hey guys I knw this might be old newss but look at this. This says the official date of not only when u can get the game there, but that's supposed to be the worldwide release, and since it's supposed to be a launch game then the wii has to be launched on that date, riiiggghhhtt? And I mean it HAS TO, i'm going crazy...
Seriously. But wut if it was M, that would be weird though since it's always been E. That's too big of a jump. The release date is probably correct though, I hope at least.(cross ur fingers!)
Man the water in that game look beautiful, the game is beautiful....zelda's beautiful(boy that was predictable:lol:)
that is the GC version of the game. for all we know, the GC version is gonna be released before the Wii version. i hope it doesnt because then we will see a bunch of spoiler pics and teaser pics just making us want it more
Last I heard was that they are going to start pre-orders in September and lauch the Wii in October. I dont know about you but I would much rather have the Wii in October than in November for 2 reasons

1) Its closer

2) My birthday is in October ^_^
I want it in Oct. because it's closer and my bday's in Nov. and by the time it comes wii's will actually be findable.