The Hub : A 24/7 Animal Crossing Town - Closed

Oct 3, 2006
Hi all...

as if you didnt know The Hub closed

mainly because the DS lite would only run for about 50 ish hours before locking up, i still have my personal DS lite (black) and AC...

which has lots of different fruit etc


i now have a wii, if AC proves more popular on wii and because wii can stay online in low power mode, i might start a 24/7 server and by an extra wii

stay tuned
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oh yeah, i'm sorry i didn't let you guys know sooner, but for some reason i couldnt log in to wiichat, and didnt try until today (my last visit was logged as 11-14-06)
zeon9881 said:
what dose "it will only run for 50ish hours before locking up mean?

he just means that it ran for about 50 hours before freezing
Well I think the Hub was probably awesome. I'll have to look for this guy when I get AC for Wii.

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