im not to sure if this is still up and running or not because lately when have played (varrying hours of the day) it has not shown the hub is still online... but i dunno.... if anyone wants to trade friend codes with me feel free to message me or aim me at RmeOFme
hey BreakPoint. Your hub still running? seems quite a few people are interested and i have at least 3 friends willing to join. ive posted the 3 things u need. and ill trade friend codes with you via my email.
Daren, by any chance can u turn your animal crossing 24/7? if u can that would be great! if u can, email me with ur friend code at
Right, so my little sister just got a DS for christmas and Animal Crossing so I now I want to understand how this works. Can anyone go to your town no matter where they live in the world or is there some sort of radius involved/