The grandaddy of computing is here


All I can hear is you.
May 14, 2007
Hi, I'm Miiguy

I have owned every computing machine from spectrums to Amigas, to Mega CD's

Very nOOb when it comes to forums so If I f**k up, then please feel free to laugh on my behalf.

Hope to strike up some conversation sometime soon

Thank You Please.

(Just like that)

Antoher Manc
That makes errrrrrr 4
Out of a few thousand
Wats apnin mate. Im a Londener and Arsenal fan myself Prinny hehe. :D

Hope you enjoy the stay.
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Good on ya, being a Manchester United fan I'm glad you didn't say Chelski !!!

Nice to talk to ya, never been in these forums before so it's all a bit n00b for me. I'm currently playing Godfather the most, just took control of Little Italy!
I'm married and have a 3 year old son, so playing Godfather in front of him is a big no no!
miiguy said:
Good on ya, being a Manchester United fan I'm glad you didn't say Chelski !!!

Nice to talk to ya, never been in these forums before so it's all a bit n00b for me. I'm currently playing Godfather the most, just took control of Little Italy!
I'm married and have a 3 year old son, so playing Godfather in front of him is a big no no!

Yeh godfather is excellent, im the don right now, tryna beat the game.

Just dont pull off any executions infront of your son :eek: :thumbsup: lol
Welcome to the forums Miiguy. Hope you enjoy your stay here :)
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Dumbass_Luigi said:
Meow to you.......are you realy a grandaddy?

HA !. No, but When I read the thread about how old everyone is, It made me feel like one :eek:

My Mom and Pops have just got a Wii, so there is a Wii Grandaddy in the family (My mum is the dogs at bowling)
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"Grandmommy" of gaming

miiguy said:
HA !. No, but When I read the thread about how old everyone is, It made me feel like one :eek:

My Mom and Pops have just got a Wii, so there is a Wii Grandaddy in the family (My mum is the dogs at bowling)

A family affair! Awesome! I'm not really a Grandmommy, but I am a mom, and I'm older than most of the posters here too, I think. My gaming started with Atari, though I did fiddle around on a really ancient computer that used a cassette tape to function, but I was only 6 or so for that. Ever since then, I've been an avid player of all sorts of video games, from console gaming to pc and online mmorpgs.

Good to see I'm not the only old-timer around!

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