The Gmae you DO NOT want to see on Wii

I completely agree with the poster who didnt want games like cars and stupid movie to game conversions... the davinci code i mean what the hell is that?! a game about a painting, whatever... this is something else that annoys the hell outta me, anytime i'm down at EB all they have for the GameCube are stupid gay kids titles, nothing even remotely appealing to the older generation gamer. Also we should give Sonic a miss for the Wii, which makes me wonder why does Nintendo wind up with all the dregs of third-party developers while the other platforms get all the goodies? for example: Square has moved their legendary FF series to Sony instead of Nintendo (FFIII/VI ring any bells?) while leaving Nintendo with the comparatively inferior FF Chrystal Chronicles. It seems unfair that they whore themselves between two consoles like this, giving one the good titles and another the bad. Dammit square, pick a side and stay with it!

Sonic always bugged me too, I played the Genesis sonic games and personally I they were quite stupid. All you did was run stupidly fast through scenery moving too quickly to actually see what you were doing or admire the scenery with pretty much no skills that a 6 year old couldnt master in a matter of minutes. Sonic must have had the most shallow gameplay experience of any game I have played, it is utterly boring and there isnt any skill. I miss platformers like Jazz Jackrabbit where there was so much to do, find and shoot at. Damn where have they all gone... Since when were games slowly churned out of an omni-directional sludge pump? It sickens me... we need some good titles NOW!
Hey dont diss Sonic! :p But some of those things agree with Ezekiel except the Sonic part. I wouldnt want to see Spongebob on Wii though or any of those movie games. Besides have you watched the DaVinci code? it's not about paintings it's about the Bible
OMG, im going mental, HOW CAN U NOT LIKE SPORTS GAMES!!!!!! There is no way i would buy a wii if there were no sports games, ESPECIALLY MADDEN AND FIFA!!! yeah, also agree with those little kid games like spongebob that they keep making for little kids, what a waste of time, i mean they could be making a ten time better game in the time they use to make those games like mario, and mario is G rated!!!!!
sasuke747 said:
Hey dont diss Sonic! :p But some of those things agree with Ezekiel except the Sonic part. I wouldnt want to see Spongebob on Wii though or any of those movie games. Besides have you watched the DaVinci code? it's not about paintings it's about the Bible

yeah i was being a bit harsh towards dear old sonic, I guess I just never got into the games, n they never really interested me. I havent seen the davinci code, so it was rather presumptuous and silly for me to assume it was about a painting lol my bad.
Arcadium said:
I know that but are u really buying that stupid game???
Why's it stupid? Is it because you find the idea of swinging the Wii-mote around stupid? Or is because you find the idea of picking some ones nose or inserting false teeth stupid? Well if you do then your completly right but that's the whole point! Yeah so what if its stupid, its fun and that is all that matters. The Wario Ware games are some of the most innovative games ever created, Wario Ware Touched arugably used the touch screen and mic more than any other DS game so far, Wario Ware Twisted the tilt scensor is just genius and Wario Ware: Smooth Moves looks to use the Wii-mote better than any other Wii game out there. And like I said before its fun and addictive, I always find myself coming back to my Wario Ware games to beat my high score, discover new microgames or simply just play for fun.

Ezekiel86 said:
Sonic always bugged me too, I played the Genesis sonic games and personally I they were quite stupid. All you did was run stupidly fast through scenery moving too quickly to actually see what you were doing or admire the scenery with pretty much no skills that a 6 year old couldnt master in a matter of minutes. Sonic must have had the most shallow gameplay experience of any game I have played, it is utterly boring and there isnt any skill
If you think that all you do in Sonic games is fun really fast that you must of never played a Sonic Genesis game. The Sonic Genesis games are some of the best platforming games ever released and if you said 'all you do is run really fast' to a fan of the Genesis Sonic games then they'll laugh in your face because they know that what you said isn't even remotly true.
dwaltin said:
yeah i really hate how every cartoon and movie now have videos games...comeon The Divinci Code?!?! whose ever idea that was should be dealt with accordingly
i agree. wtf?? the divici code?
WiiGamer24 said:
If you think that all you do in Sonic games is fun really fast that you must of never played a Sonic Genesis game. The Sonic Genesis games are some of the best platforming games ever released and if you said 'all you do is run really fast' to a fan of the Genesis Sonic games then they'll laugh in your face because they know that what you said isn't even remotly true.
Actually that is true BUT there is more to it than that :) Me, Myself know that because im Truly a fan of Sonic i have every single game released except Sonic Rush

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