The Gmae you DO NOT want to see on Wii

id have to agre i mean throwing the football or shooting a slapshot would be the most fun on the wii
Wii_Rulez said:
Wario Ware Smooth Moves looks fun to play
I HATE WARIO WARE SMOOTH MOVES and I think Its a really stupid think to play thats my opinion and I HATE WARIO WARE TOUCHED TOO!
Fact EA are affraid to try anything new
tiger wods is the only one that suits the cotroller
football (uk) kicking the controler bad idea
To be honest I'm kinda looking forward to Madden Wii I have played Madden for some time in PC and I was getting kinda bored with it I'm hoping that wii will bring some fresh breeze on Madden. and to Topic Yeah I'm quessing Sponge Bob and similar and Most of all those second rate movie license games I really do hate them.

Yeah one more thing keep Wii Lara Croft free zone!
Arcadium said:
I HATE WARIO WARE SMOOTH MOVES and I think Its a really stupid think to play thats my opinion and I HATE WARIO WARE TOUCHED TOO!
Wario Ware Smooth Moves was the game that really showed off Wii's capablilites at E3 and like the collection of wacky mini-games:D
Wii_Rulez said:
Wario Ware Smooth Moves was the game that really showed off Wii's capablilites at E3 and like the collection of wacky mini-games:D
I know that but are u really buying that stupid game???
Arcadium said:
I know that but are u really buying that stupid game???
I would rent it first and see if the fun lasts if so I'd buy it other than that I wouldn't.
Wii_Rulez said:
I would rent it first and see if the fun lasts if so I'd buy it other than that I wouldn't.
yeah I would rent it too to see how it is and if I would spend $40 on it...
Ice Hockey could work maybe even a first Field Hockey game.
LoZ and Project H.A.M.M.E.R. r gonna totally own that wii remote....o yea.

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