The Console Wars: A Look Back at These 2 Years


Dec 26, 2007
Ok Its been 2 years since the release of the 360, the start of the console wars. I just want to take a look back and talk about who's really winning the war.

In terms of sales, obviously wii wins it selling over 12 million units worldwide.

But now we need to look into the future in terms of the best games.
The Xbox 360 is winning in this area with the most games but here's the thing: Halo 3 (the 360's strongest game) is already released. Whats to look forward to in 2008 for the 360? GTA IV, Too Human, and Turok? That's it?

If you look at 2008 for the Wii however, you will see lots of great games:

Bully:Scholarship Edition
Mario Kart Wii
Wii Fit
Wii Music
No More Heroes
House of the Dead 2 and 3 Return
Animal Crossing Wii

Wii have a chance to beat the 360 with great games! Wii just have to wait!

So right now, the current winner is tied between Wii and 360 even tho Wii is a little bit better because it did more in one year then what the 360 did in 2.
We certainly have a ton of good games coming out, many I hope sell well so we can see some sequels and series etc.

But don't count out the 360 nor ps3.
Next year is a good year to be a gamer, and like many have said 2008 will decide ultimately who is the top dog.
Sasori7 said:
Ok Its been 2 years since the release of the 360, the start of the console wars. I just want to take a look back and talk about who's really winning the war.
In terms of sales, obviously wii wins it selling over 12 million units worldwide.
Actually, the Wii isn't winning if you want terms of sales. The Wii has sold 13.17 Million units worldwide, the Xbox 360 13.40 Million units, and the PS3 a mere 5.5 Million. The Xbox 360 is ahead by 230,000 units, bro.
But now we need to look into the future in terms of the best games.
The Xbox 360 is winning in this area with the most games but here's the thing: Halo 3 (the 360's strongest game) is already released. Whats to look forward to in 2008 for the 360? GTA IV, Too Human, and Turok? That's it?
Seeing as they've already released Mass Effect, Rock Band, Bioshock, Call Of Duty 4, Guitar Hero III (yes I know the Wii has that too), Orange Box, Dead Rising, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Gears of War and Assassin's Creed, I say they are doing VERY well. This lineup is great for ANY console at any time during the wars.
If you look at 2008 for the Wii however, you will see lots of great games:

Bully:Scholarship Edition
Mario Kart Wii
Wii Fit
Wii Music
No More Heroes
House of the Dead 2 and 3 Return
Animal Crossing Wii
Sadness may have been canceled by Nibris, as they haven't updated about it in a long time and they lost their publisher, and Project HAMMER was apparently canceled :sick: :mad5: Its not on the list but it just really pissed me off.
I must admit Wii Fit and Wii Music dont really look that good, but everything else really does.

Don't forget to add Monster Hunter 3 to that list of good games!
Wii have a chance to beat the 360 with great games! Wii just have to wait!

So right now, the current winner is tied between Wii and 360 even tho Wii is a little bit better because it did more in one year then what the 360 did in 2.

Not So. 360 is doing better. I admit that because its the truth. I freaking love Nintendo, but they've let me down lately. I DO NOT OWN A 360. But I have to admit they have better games and a better lineup than Nintendo at the moment. Nintendo would REALLY have to come out with some great games, alot more than what's mentioned. Thats partially because the 360 has a years head start, and thats what made the PS2 king of the last console wars. The head start (lolz @ PS3 it phails horribly its like Sony made a GameCube!) It'll be difficult, but if the 360 has a lot of lacklusters and the Wii kicks alot of ass next year, we have a chance.
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M4573RM1ND said:
Actually, the Wii isn't winning if you want terms of sales. The Wii has sold 13.17 Million units worldwide, the Xbox 360 13.40 Million units, and the PS3 a mere 5.5 Million. The Xbox 360 is ahead by 230,000 units, bro.

You are behind the times, they are sales figures for before September and it is well known that the Wii overtook the 360 after that.
actually with the best games things i'm gonna have to say it's a tie between ps3 and wii why, well ur list of games but for ps3 you have
god of war 3
kingdom hearts
final fantasy
plus many more so i'd have to say it's about tied with wii and ps3, but wii will win just because of how revolutionary it is.
I think playstation3 will ultimatly win the war, if not, then wii will, xbox360 is the worst of the 3 consoles, it all comes down to the exclusives:

xbox360: Halo 3, bioshock, mass effect

playstation3: resistence, uncharted drakes fortune, metal gear solid four, final fantasy

wii: everything mario (i know there are others, but mario is the strongest series/exclusives that wii has to offer)

of all those, drakes uncharted fortunes (ps3)is the worst, so cross it out

bioshock and mass effect are great games, but dont compare to halo 3
everyone loves metal gear solid 4, but everyone loves mario more

in the end, i think resistence and metal gear solid 4 will make ps3 enough to beat out xbox360's halo 3

so its down to ps3's exclusives versus mario (and other wii exclusives)

in my opinion, playstation3 is the best
raisinghelen said:
You are behind the times, they are sales figures for before September and it is well known that the Wii overtook the 360 after that.
Yea from my source the Wii has sold 5 more million consoles since then..

Im not sure if i could put the link to the site since i dont know the rules of this forum..
Dkw0101 said:
actually with the best games things i'm gonna have to say it's a tie between ps3 and wii why, well ur list of games but for ps3 you have
god of war 3
kingdom hearts
final fantasy
plus many more so i'd have to say it's about tied with wii and ps3, but wii will win just because of how revolutionary it is.
Most of those games are either not out yet or simply just don't exist. MGS4 and Final Fantasy should be out in 2008 but i don't think there has been any announcement about the rest even being in development. If you are counting games that don't actually exist yet then you could just as well say that the 360 has Bioshock 2, Forza 3 or the Wii has Zelda TP 2.

I would judge them on the games you can actually play now, not something that may or may not be in the future and on current titles i would say that the 360 beats the PS3.
all consoles have good games coming out for all it's all down to the people the wii is way ahead but i dont see the ps3 catching up for at least 3 years and people are starting to lose intrest in 360 (even though i want one)

for sony and that i dont think they care who wins they just want to make a profit and im guessing nintendo are really happy in that sense
For me, online is a huge thing when gaming. 20-30 hours of gameplay for a game is not enough for me. Games such as Halo, Madden, and others on the 360, keep me playing it. The only game I've been playing on the Wii is MoHH:2, as it's the only game that I'm actually enjoying.

You cannot judge a system by the games that are coming out that aren't even out yet. Many games come out good that we would expect to be up par or just average. Most games that come out, do not get announced or talked about until the later in the development.

And I don't know what you mean by winning. Sales and numbers don't tell anything about the console. In my perspective, I've been somewhat disappointed with the system, 3rd party developers not even trying and games that don't reach my attention.

Like last year, people said "Yeah, just wait, Nintendo will get good games". Metroid, Mario, and Zelda have passed, what's next for Nintendo? Are we saying the same thing here again?

And PS3 to be the next gamecube will not happen, once the price drops down low enough (I still believe that system is dirt cheap), it will sell. Time will tell though.
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