The Canadian Wii Finder *Revived w/ a new title*

panozg said:
MAN! this sucks!!!! the day that i think futureshop is getting wiis in for me to go buy... and it snows in Vancouver again!! Roads are icy. Now i can't get to Future Shop to buy one if they come in!

can't you just walk there?
I'm glad my Wii should be here today (or on monday :(), the nearest store that sells Wii's is Futureshop, which is just over an hour's drive away (this is driving over the speed limit at 120km/h) XD
I'm from newmarket, and I've been looking for a wii for ever camping out and stuff, unfortunately always coming 20/18 or 37/36! It's so frustrating, just I want one by the end of this weekend, or I may die haha no way. Umm, just do any of you guys know where I could get one in newmarket.
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AndrewRyder said:
I'm from newmarket, and I've been looking for a wii for ever camping out and stuff, unfortunately always coming 20/18 or 37/36! It's so frustrating, just I want one by the end of this weekend, or I may die haha no way. Umm, just do any of you guys know where I could get one in newmarket.
I live a few hours close to you, i've been lost about the shipments and due to that i think im going to wait until the new colors/DVD/cheaper wii comes
ive had the flu last few days, but its getting better, so i missed my chance to go to futureshop today, but i doubt i would have any luck because nobody else did. So is Sunday an option, should i try then?
The fight for a wii has gotten ridiculous. I'm starting to wonder about my sanity. The want for one consumes me. And I just can't find one. Its not like I haven't looked, theu just aren't out there. I torn between waiting and murdering someone to get one.
I went looking at Future Shop today... they didn't receive a shipment. I'm at the point now of just waiting until the demand is not as high. Plus I can maybe get one in black if i wait:smilewinkgrin:
GreyKirby said:
Yea same but bestbuy never advertises the wii when they do get some .. do they?

Yeah they do, on their website they have little banners that tells you a date.. however I do believe there won't be any point to look forward to a specific date. Lots of people have been saying BestBuy no longer holds them, but sells them as soon as they receive them.
-ReWiind. said:
I am going to wait until the RED Wii comes out and buy that one. Its not worth canping out and stuff. It definetly wasnt' healthy to me..

It won't come out in other colours for a year or two.

And also, I want Wii. Next shipments known for Lower Mainland (Vancouver)?
Oh man, im so pissed! I went to rogers today to rent some games (its just at the top of my street) and I went at about 9:30. I rented my games, left, realized I got one of the wrong games (for my xbox) and went back. After I found the game I wanted I went to the counter and decided what the hell so I asked if they sold systems and to my surprise they did. And I was like wow sweet do you have anyways and the guy smilled and said yah we might. and they looked around said they were sure they had one and then I guy came out of the back and siad oh yah I just bought that last one sorry dude!! GRR worst part is, I was supposed to go earlier today but I put it off, once again, i just missed it!