The black wii vs the white wii

The fact that you are saying that the wii has anything to do with black people or white people is kind of scary. It's a GAMING SYSTEM. The color black has been around longer than black people, are you going to go take it out on prehistoric tar pits because they're black and kill things? Geez.

I'm happy with my white wii, it's the first version, which for a while will at least prove that I bought it early. Though the black and the silver look more stylish and will probably be more popular in the long run.
wow, most random post of the day goes to the wiichat noob
white looks better... theres too many black systems... PS2, Xbox, PS3, you could get a black GC. i like how its different. plus they will be releasing a black wii sooner or later... along with other colours im sure. they always do.
White Wii is the supreme Wii being. It outnumbers all them colored Wii's. All those black Wii's stink! Send all them colored Wii's back to their own country!

White Wii power!

Actually I'd prefer to have the green Wii. I'm not sure why, green isn't even my favorite color, it just reminds me of a 1970's couch that i'm not even sure I've ever seen before... I just want it.
black is better than white but red or lime would be cool too
WiiGirl2006 said:
I think they should make a pink one, ya know for girls!

What about pink for the boys too, sexist?
I love pink! A pink and black striped wii would rock! :cornut:
Graham said:
What about pink for the boys too, sexist?
I love pink! A pink and black striped wii would rock! :cornut:

Sorry! I didn't mean it to be sexist, but your right, guys do like pink and there is nothing wrong with that. :thumbsup:
i'd rather have a black but with a red led. since that won't happen i'll just have to get a nes skin for the one i got. now with a red led it'd be the sexiest machine out there :worship:
black with would look like a console version of elephant droppings... oh wait, someone has already used a black and green theme havent they?