The black wii vs the white wii

WTF, lime green? Now thats a Wii i WOULDNT get....sad to say
i think it would be better than a lot of people would think and it matches a lot of stuff in my room
Lol, you must have one weird room.
I'd need a Banjo-Kazooie Wii to match all the stuff in my room!
LOL look who's talking and saying you have a weird room......
Master Wii said:
In the words of MJ ...

"It don't matter if it's black or white.... heee heee!" *does the moonwalk*
lol!! That was hilarious men!! xD

I got the White one, but personally i prefer the black color in all my consoles.
are you trying to imply that black men have larger wiily's
lmao thats a common steriotype...
I still want a camoflauged Wii:yesnod:
of course its better

chain blade said:
Hi all.I posted this thread to see who thinks the white wii is better or who thinks the black one is.In my oppinein i think the white one,what do you think?

i mean really who dosent like the black wii? it looks way cooler and its black so if u dont like it then you are racist

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