the ~Ask Anyone Anything~ thread

son of a whore

... ... ... Personal preference dictates Pokemon, despite FE bein' wholly superior. I am ashamed...

Microsod or Sony?

This has turned into the "this or that" board game lawl.
MR, how high's your confidence level in regards to mercilessly smashin' my face in every Brawl? ... If we ever Brawl, anyways. ._.;
I think it will be even... unless you play meta knight

Although that amount of rust combined with a different controller might bee too much

We shall see
lolevenodds. I'd sure as **** be happy if I could play on level with anyone above average after inactivity and an unfamiliar controller. The more I think on it, the more likely I find it you'll crush me. Even with bloody Ganon.

Also, I'm never touchin' Meta again. Ever. Findin' a new secondary t' go with Wolf, who will now be my first main.
I know the first person I will use against you...

I always use Ganon first

I have not touched wolf in a while so I will use him for the second unless you want to fight my Ganon again
Just select whoever the hell ya want. I'll be usin' nothin' but Wolf and Marth though (he might end up bein' my second main, gotta rep dat FE), maybe Toon since I've always wanted t' make like a Santi and B-air people to death with both my mains. :lol:

... But no Meta, 'course. Whether there's a ban on 'em or not, no one should be playin' 'em. I know I wouldn't be.

as for da topick: Why do ya main Ganon? If it's 'cause he's Hyrule tier and you're lookin' t' not be a tier whore, why him in specific?
as for da topick: Why do ya main Ganon? If it's 'cause he's Hyrule tier and you're lookin' t' not be a tier whore, why him in specific?
I like his play style
that and most people underestimate him which gives me an advantage

Although I should get a new main
Ganon has his limits especially if the opponent is always running away and shooting me with projectiles.
I would say ROB and Marth are my second main, although I play many characters. Depends on my mood.
I would but I am up to my neck in work and I will be gone this weekend

If you still want to brawl then, I will brawl you