The Alternate Plot


Maxis came out of meditation annoyed at Vladmir.
"He is not a cretin. His name is Nak and he is my friend." Maxis stood in front of Nak to protect him.Maxis decided to explain why he acting this way.

"I understand what it's like to be alone. When I was little I lost my family and had to live by myself. If I had never meet the rebel I would be like him."


Nak was stunned that Maxis would protect him like that. No one had ever been his friend for four years.

"Umm...excuse me, Riolu....Maxis. Perhaps I should wait here in case anyone dangerous Pokemon try to get in. If they do, I WILL KILL THEM!!....or...just trick them into leaving. Ill let any of your friends pass through. I suggest going to the higher floors."

Takai & Kensei

"Thunderbolt!" Kensei discharged a massive blast of blue electricity at Takai, who easily dodged. "Thunderbolt Thunderbolt Thunderbolt!!!" Kensei launched a barage of blue lightning at Takai. Takai however smirked and dodged each blast. Finally Kensei had enough and ran at Takai, his arm glowing blue. "Thunderpunch!" Kensei slammed at Takai but missed snd created a small crater in the ground.

"Ice Beam!" Takai fired a blast of blue energy and frozed Kensei's arm to the ground. Despite how much he pulled, the Elekid was stuck. Takai chuckled as he walked closer, "Heh, and you thought you could win. Your aim is as lousy as ever and your bolts are even worse."

No! He can't still be better! All my training was worthless! Kensei swung his free hand to try and break the ice, but it didn't crack. "Thunderpunch!" Kensei tried once more with his arm glowing blue and it worked. The ice shattered and Kensei instinctively jumped back.

"So you got free. Like it matters, I'm still stronger than you." Takai began to whip his head and the black creacent on it glowed white. Small whirlwinds formed around him as he did this. "Razor Wind!" The whirlwinds flew forward as miniature tornados of white energy. "Protect!" Kensei yelled as a green barrier came up and deflected the wind attack.

"I'm not as weak as you think, now am I?" Kensei released the protect and ran forward. Suddenly he dropped and rolled forward with a kick. "Rolling Kick!" Takai quickly moved, a Fighting move was deadly to a Dark type. "Thunderbolt!" As Takai was busy dodging, Kensei let loose a blast of blue lightning directly at him. The bolt struck him and dropped to Takai to his knees.

Kensei walked up, this time he was the one chuckling. "I'm weak, huh? Well then how come you're in the ground fro' one hit?"

"Because you would walk close if I faked the damage. Bite!" Takai leapt forward and sunk his fangs into Kensei's arm. Then with a twist of his head he threw him into a tree. " taste horrible."

"Well then why not have another taste? Thunderpunch!" Kensei quickly got up and rushed forward with another attack. Takai went to dodge but reacted to slow. The punch caught his right flank and pushed him away. Suddenly, Kensei glowed white. He grew a few feet, his arms and legs got bigger. His antennas changed from a pkug shape to two balled sticks angling out from his head. The glow vanished as suddenly as it came revealing that Kensei had evolved.

Takai got up and grinned. "Perfect."


Nak was stunned that Maxis would protect him like that. No one had ever been his friend for four years.

"Umm...excuse me, Riolu....Maxis. Perhaps I should wait here in case anyone dangerous Pokemon try to get in. If they do, I WILL KILL THEM!!....or...just trick them into leaving. Ill let any of your friends pass through. I suggest going to the higher floors."

Maxis and Siesis

"No way you can handle them all alone so I will stay down here to help out."
Maxis couldn't let something bad happen to a new friend.

Siesis walked to Vladmir.
" Head to the top of the tower so you can get some rest, we'll handle this."
Siesis went right next to Maxis. "I'm staying here to help since Naks my friend too." Both Maxis and Siesis turned toward extending their hands out.
Both said: "So what do say Nak want to be friends?"


"So what do say Nak want to be friends?"
*Should I trust these guys? I mean....they are part of the rebel group.

"Sure, Ill be Just be careful that the Pokemon dont kill you."
Just after he said that, he noticed that a small group of Pokemon were approaching the tower.

"Heads up guys, looks like theres trouble. SHALL I DESTROY THEM?"
Maxis and Siesis

"No don't do anything rash." Maxis didn't want to start a fight if he could avoid it. "Lets see what they want. Excuse me but could you all stat your purpose here?"

Siesis reconised the 3 bird pokemon.
"Guys they are on our side. Their the gym leaders of this city. Ace the Pidgeot, Swif the Swellow, and Razor the Staraptor. They hate Zigaram too so i'm sure they would gladly help out." Siesis ran up to them and explained the situation.

"Ah, so that's what started this commotion. We will talk to the Pokemon of Violet City and try to persuade them that your friends, if that fails we'll help you escape."

"Thank you Ace this will be of great help no matter how small."
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Nak wasnt very happy about not getting to kill someone.
*Wait...Gym Leaders? Didnt Drowzoo say something about a Gym? is not time. I will challenge them later, and rob them of any prize they have to offer! Then I will kill them! He he he!
Hw ran up in front of Ace and talked to him.

"Hey, moron!....I mean...Ace. Im going to go into your Gym and kill you later, I mean challenge! I cant do it now, but how about after the riot settles?"

"Fine." Ace responded. "Come to the Gym later to challenge us, and if you win, we will give you a reward. But do not be too overconfident, Totodile! We are tough."

"Hmmm..." Said Swif. " Theres something I just dont like about you. Hey guys, I dont think we should let this guy take the challenge. He isnt trustworthy."

"Nonsense!" Said Razor. "Everyone is open to battle us, trustworthy or not. Now, if you will stop wasting our time, Swif, I will be off. We must settle down this crowd."
The Staraptor flew off, while the other two followed.

"Ill be keeping an eye on you, Totodile!" Swif yelled before he was out of sight.
*What fools. Not tough enough, am I? MORONS! I will destroy them!
He looked up into the night sky before going back into Sprout Tower.

Siesis was worryed about Nak challenging them. He never won against any of them no matter how many times he tried.

"Nak you should try not to be so confindent about this. They are extreamly powerful, I never won any of my 20 challenges against them. If you are dead set to fight them then I will help by giving any info you might need. JUst let me know if you plan on still fighting them."

Siesis was really worried after all he fought them the day before the rebels arrived and all he got was them using a new move on him. The move still scared him.

Takai & Kensei

"Perfect? You knew?" Kensei, now an Electabuzz, stared at Takai in disbelief. "How could you have known I was close to evolving?"

"Absol can sense calamity. I sensed that the rebels would have trouble with a powerful electric pokemon. Yet in the small visions I would get of their trouble,there wasn't an Elekid in sight, but there was a strange blue lightning. Your one of the few electric types that gets blue lightning, although your kind don't normally get blue power. The other clue was that I'd see myself fighting alongside this pokemon so I knew it had to be you. That's why I was getting you to fight me, my visions told me of your evolution!"

Kensei listened intently and when Takai finished he smiled. "So you weren't really pissed off with me, were you?" Takai shook his head no. "Well Takai, we're still in trouble. We need to kill them but even with my evolution, I think we can't take them all. That Aerodactyl especially, it needs to be killed first."

"Which is why we should call Master and beg for reinforcements. I know we'll most likely face his wrath but we need more power on our side." Kensei sighed, he didn't want to ask for help from Master. They were given this task because they were beleived to be strong enough. To prove Master wrong by showing they weren't strong, that's practically asking for death. Still, it was their only choice. "Fine, let's call Master."

The two ran into an old building by the Ruins. Not many visited them anymore so the rest building had fallen into decay. No visitors meant no money. No money meant they couldn't keep the place kept up. Still, there should be a vid screen around that still worked. Finally they found one. "Looks ok, nut the power source is dead. Kensei, hold those two cords and give it a smal amount of power." Kensei did as he was told and the screen flickered to life. Takai but in a code and suddenly a Weavile was on screen.

"Who dares use the Master's secret vid screen?"
"Takai the Absol. I need to speak with Master immeadiately."
"Well he's resting now so you can't."
"It's important that I speak with him!" The Weavile grinned before responding, "What's so important that you want me to risk my life by disturbing him?"
"It's confidential."
"I won't bother unless you tell me."
"Fine...tell him the gift he gave me and Kensei has died."
"Gift? All he gave you was a M...!" Suddenly the Weavile was scared, "That died!? I'll go get him right away!" The Weavile ran off screen and Takai waited patiently for his return.

Takai & Kensei

"Perfect? You knew?" Kensei, now an Electabuzz, stared at Takai in disbelief. "How could you have known I was close to evolving?"

"Absol can sense calamity. I sensed that the rebels would have trouble with a powerful electric pokemon. Yet in the small visions I would get of their trouble,there wasn't an Elekid in sight, but there was a strange blue lightning. Your one of the few electric types that gets blue lightning, although your kind don't normally get blue power. The other clue was that I'd see myself fighting alongside this pokemon so I knew it had to be you. That's why I was getting you to fight me, my visions told me of your evolution!"

Kensei listened intently and when Takai finished he smiled. "So you weren't really pissed off with me, were you?" Takai shook his head no. "Well Takai, we're still in trouble. We need to kill them but even with my evolution, I think we can't take them all. That Aerodactyl especially, it needs to be killed first."

"Which is why we should call Master and beg for reinforcements. I know we'll most likely face his wrath but we need more power on our side." Kensei sighed, he didn't want to ask for help from Master. They were given this task because they were beleived to be strong enough. To prove Master wrong by showing they weren't strong, that's practically asking for death. Still, it was their only choice. "Fine, let's call Master."

The two ran into an old building by the Ruins. Not many visited them anymore so the rest building had fallen into decay. No visitors meant no money. No money meant they couldn't keep the place kept up. Still, there should be a vid screen around that still worked. Finally they found one. "Looks ok, nut the power source is dead. Kensei, hold those two cords and give it a smal amount of power." Kensei did as he was told and the screen flickered to life. Takai but in a code and suddenly a Weavile was on screen.

"Who dares use the Master's secret vid screen?"
"Takai the Absol. I need to speak with Master immeadiately."
"Well he's resting now so you can't."
"It's important that I speak with him!" The Weavile grinned before responding, "What's so important that you want me to risk my life by disturbing him?"
"It's confidential."
"I won't bother unless you tell me."
"Fine...tell him the gift he gave me and Kensei has died."
"Gift? All he gave you was a M...!" Suddenly the Weavile was scared, "That died!? I'll go get him right away!" The Weavile ran off screen and Takai waited patiently for his return.



Vladmir jerked his head straight up and looked out the window. He felt an enormous surge of power. Even if he had no Psychic power, all pokemon were attached somehow, and he just felt one of the stronger ones evolve.

"Oh no..." Vladmir muttered. He yelled at Maxis and Siesis, "Im sorry guys, I have to go. Something Come up." Vladmir turned around and took off out the window. His wings felt the cool breeze as he soared high into the sky. He observed the scene below. He saw the rioting pokemon had stopped, though he had no idea why.

He followed his senses and he found some strange sight, deep in the forest. He landed in front of a large temple, what he suspected to be the Ruins of Alph. He walked in through the dark and saw a light in the center of the room. There were Tablets, Tablets spread out next to eachother. He gazed upon their templates, and gasped. He saw a strange looking Shellfish Pokemon depicted on the Tablets surface.

"Kabuto..." he muttered to himself. He looked to the next one which looked somewhat like a snail with a spiral shell. "And Omanyte..." He looked to another and saw a large Rainbow colored bird. "Ho-oh...I remember him...." He looked over to the final Tablet and gazed at the fierce looking flying creature on its surface. He thought back to thousands of years ago, and remembered how it was in prehistoric Pokemon days. With his ancient friends. Where had they gone? Did these pictures mean they were alive?

He placed his hand on the predators picture. "...Me..." He then heard voices. Two, no three voices coming from a building near the Runes. He scurried to the side of the building and listened in.

"Who dares use the Master's secret vid screen?" One of them said in a fuzzy voice. He did not recognize this one, though it sounded like a fierce Pokemon.

"Takai the Absol. I need to speak with Master immeadiately." Takai! I remember him...

"Well he's resting now so you can't."
"It's important that I speak with him! "What's so important that you want me to risk my life by disturbing him?"
"It's confidential."
"I won't bother unless you tell me." What could they be referring to...

"Fine...tell him the gift he gave me and Kensei has died."
"Gift? All he gave you was a M...!" There was a slight pause. "That died!? I'll go get him right away!"

I wonder who they are talking about...Master? Perhaps they mean that Zigaram person everyone is talking about...

He thought for a moment, and noticed he had not heard the Elekid's voice. He decided to see who else was there. He looked around the corner and his jaw dropped a little bit. The Absol was standing next to an enormous Electabuzz. It was sparking electrical power without even trying. Vladmir felt it was his duty to find out what was going on here, not for the Rebels cause, but for his own intentions.

He walked out of his hiding spot calmly and stepped up to Takai and Kensei. "Hello you two. Now that we are not fighting at the moment, I don't think we have had the pleasure of introducing ourselves." Even though he was a good deal taller than both of them, he bowed his head down to their level in a sign of respect.

"I am Vladmir the Aerodactyl, nice to meet you." Vladmir smiled.


Nak heard Vladmar say something to his friends.

"Im sorry guys, I have to go. Something Come up." He flew out the window, towards the ruins.

"Hey! Where you...go..."He turned to face Maxis and Siesis. "Im gonna follow him! See ya!" He jumped out the window like Vladmar, and landed hard on the ground. A few of the Pokemon recognized him and attacked.

"Ice Beam!" Nak spat out a long beam of ice, freezing a few of them and blocking the others. He ran to a stream flowing next to the tower and swam away. He turned around and saw a Floatzel break through the ice.

"Crap!...uhh...ummm...Ice Beam!" He fired another beam, but the Floatzel jumped out of the way. It continued to jump in the river and pursue Nak.

"Aqua Jet!" It yelled, and charged towards Nak swimming at high speed.
*This is a waste of time. Ill never catch the Aerodactyl at this rate! DIE! DIE! DIE!

"Aerial Ace!" He jumped above the Floatzels attack by an inch, and slashed at its back in midair. The injured Floatzel was moving so fast it went off-course and hit the rocky wall.
However, instead of trying to escape, Nak prepared another attack.

"Dynamic Punch!" With a fury of punches, all connecting, the Floatzel fainted.

"How pathetic. I might as well kill you now....he he he!" He grabbed the Pokemon tightly by its neck, and slit its throat with a claw. The water turned red, and Nak swam away.
*How fun! Theres nothing more enjoyable than a good kill!
The trees soon started to get denser, and became a forest. The water path went around the whole west side of the city and to the ruins. Nak jumped out of the water onto dry land. There was a giant stone temple with many rooms in it.
*This should be the place. All I need to do now is find that Aerodactyl.
Right then, he heard some voices, and Vladmar came out of hiding to investigate. Nak followed, but kept out of its sight.

"Well he's resting now so you can't." He heard someone say.

"It's important that I speak with him! "What's so important that you want me to risk my life by disturbing him?"
*Whats so important?....SOMETHING I SHOULD KNOW!?!?

"It's confidential."

"I won't bother unless you tell me."

"Fine...tell him the gift he gave me and Kensei has died."

"Gift? All he gave you was a M...!That died!? I'll go get him right away!"

Vladmar entered the room and talked to the Pokemon in there.

"Hello you two. Now that we are not fighting at the moment, I don't think we have had the pleasure of introducing ourselves.I am Vladmir the Aerodactyl, nice to meet you."
*So, the Aerodactyls name is Vladmar....but..WHATS GOING ON IN THERE?!
He was having enough. All he heard was useless information, and he wanted more. He ran inside and saw Vladmar bowing to an Electabuzz and Absol.

"VLADMAR! YOU SERVE ZIGARAM!?, you force me to...KILL YOU!" He charged up, and fired a giant Ice Beam right at Vladmar.

OOC: Nak just has to attack everyone, dosnt he?
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Vladmir casually ducked the Ice Beam, letting it go off and hit a wall.

"Come on, Nak. You really dont stand a chance here. And who said I served Zigaram?" Vladmir walked over and stood in front of Nak, his alarmingly high height severely overshadowing Nak. "Unless you have a Death Wish, I suggest you take a seat, right there." He pointed to the ground where Nak was standing.

He gave an angry glare at Nak, then turned around and walked back towards Takai and Kensei. He did not have time to deal with the fool.

"Now, where were we. Ah yes, I have heard of you two. You are Takai, and you must be Kensei...You seemed to have gained ample power... Impressive."


Nak was not scared by Vladmir. Rather, annoyed he would dodge his attack.

"HOW DARE YOU IGNORE ME! ICE BEAM!" He began charging another Ice Beam, but heard something in another room. It was a mysterious sound, like nothing he ever heard before."Ill get you, traitor. Right after I figure out what that noise was."
Nak ran out of the room, and went to where he heard the noise.

OOC: How pathetic. I mess up a bit, and now I have to leave immediately.
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  • Thread Starter
  • Thread starter
  • #314
I'm gonna go ahead and assume that all of the rebels are at the Sprout Tower. I'll put my icon up in a little bit.

The Sprout Tower, having been relatively evacuated, was very quiet. He spotted a Ghastly talking to a Duskull across the room, but he decided not to bother with it.

"The riot should die down soon," Tyre explained to the others. "We should do some research here in the meantime. This tower is inhabited by monks, so they should have some information on the Ruins of Alph, which was enchanted by religious magic years ago."

Takai & Kensei

Takai gave a quick nod to Kensei who quickly understood it's meaning. Kensei rather hated what he had to do. Master is gonna hate us... Kensei cut the electrical flow. The screen stayed on for a second longer before going blank. Both then turned to the Aerodactyl.

Takai was the first to say something, "Vladmir, was it? Why would you come here? And why wouldn't you attack us on sight?" Takia's mind was racing, This doesn't make sense. He could have killed us plus it's obvious we're not on the same side so why spare us? What does he hope to gain?

Kensei on the other hand was furious at the Aerodactyl. It was his fault the rebels weren't killed in the forest the first time. Then it was his fault that they had to risk asking Master for help. Then his fault for hanging up after someone bothered him for what will now look like a prank. Kensei wanted to straight out attack him and it was quite obvious as well.

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