Thats It No More!

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im tierd of everyone fueling idiotic and childish behavior on this website. its annoying and its unnecessary. theres too much flaming and too much stupidity being posted.

either there are trolls out there doing it for "sh*ts and giggles" and are THAT bored at home or they are psychologically damaged.

this is NOT a disrespect towards the moderators here since i am on extreamly good terms with all of them and they do a great job but there shouldnt be anymore "slips under the radar"

we have to put a lock down on stupid threads this is getting rediculous. if you want a higher post count then post something of relevance

it makes the site look very bad

Don't Blame Shigeru Miyamoto Please!!!!!

That pictures makes me laugh
But yeah More Mod-Like banning please for Stupid Posts like...

Thread: Nintendo Rules
Reply: My Cat Is Black

Errmmmmmm Stupid Post?
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Wii_Smurf said:

Don't Blame Shigeru Miyamoto Please!!!!!

That pictures makes me laugh
But yeah More Mod-Like banning please for Stupid Posts like...

Thread: Nintendo Rules
Reply: My Cat Is Black

Errmmmmmm Stupid Post?

lol no thats ok cause atleast it made like 5 pages and it was funny. thats the difference.

what you did was FUNNY, what others are posting are extreamly stupid.

case in point: that jesus is god thread in the introduce yourself forum. people who fuel those type of "idiots" are "idiots" themselves.

and yes, your example of "my cat is black" serves no purpose to the "nintendo rules" topic. why do we need to know your cat is black? cant you post it in the "show us your pets" thread??? come on now......common sense is lacking here

as for mods, i tried to contact i0n, i never got a reply....been atleast a few weeks :confused:
Bah some posters are just plain dicks...... They need to die and someone who deserves a Wii needs to get it.....
Hopefully we'll see more MODS and less knobheads on the Forum
lets all post ion then he wud havve to do somethin
or lets go on loads of posts and try to get ppl to help and pm ion
New mods will be cropping up across the forum over the next few days. As always though the 'Report post/thread' is a great tool and it's proper use is encouraged.
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