Thanks K-mart! (Extremely easy wii purchase)


WiiChat Member
Nov 19, 2006
I stood up until 5am on the release day of the wii just to be sure id get one .we left at 6:30 I Thought it was early enough to get a good place in line for the wii but when i went to target i was shocked at the giant line i was like **** and just forgot about target. then i went to best buy the lined seemed small but then we didn't notice it went all the way around the corner my chances of getting a wii we're low. then we went to circuit city and the line was small but it didn't open till much later so my brother said he will wait in line while we check out other stores!. i thought we pretty much went to all the stores in the area until i thought hmm K-MART!!! i was not sure but i had a better chance there then anywhere else. there was only one guy in line in front of me and he said they we're getting 7 WIIS! and they opened in about an hour as we waited .a few more people came and they opened the doors we ran to the electronics isle but no wii's to be found and then a employee came and asked us yall lookin for dem game cubes? we we're like noooo the wii! and then she said they are upfront and we all ran. there was 7 everyone in line got 1 or 2 we got 2 i kept one and sold it for 500$ profit in a bestbuy parking lot :D

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