We REALLY Underestimated the Popularity of the Wii here


Nov 1, 2006
Yep, we went to get it at about 6:00 for a 9:00 opening. Little did we know some people had been camping out since Friday. :ee5k: Honestly, I had no idea the Wii was so popular in my community. This was at Target too. Now we're trying Costco Online.
Same here least I called my local wal mart last night and talked to the security guard. Said there were 30 people already camping out since midnight last night. Funny that cause I had called earlier and asked electronics how many units they were getting in. 20... Glad I didnt wake up at 4am like planned.
I arrived at 1pm saturday and stayed till the midnight release. #12 baby!

...we mocked and badgered all the guys who tried showing up after #20 and were out of luck.

Seems for PS3, there were 300 people in line for 6 consoles. Poor guys.... but would you really get in back of 299 people and think, "...just maybe"
Lol seriously.
Somebody got shot in Connecticut for a PS3.:yikes:
That's unbelievable, i'm glad I don't live in * America!

*A bad district of

Then, PS3s are going for over £1,300** over here

**About $2,700
it was weird, I got at my gamecrazy an hour early and there was no one there. Then a worker who got there early told me that only the preorders were selling here so no one really had to campout. I just played Tetris puzzles on my DS until it opened, it was pretty enjoyable, now its updating and its taking freaking long... I'm very pleasured right now :)
It's popular in my area too (Las Vegas, NV) I camped out at target from 7:30pm to 8:00am and was number 10 in line. What an experience that was lol. Cold all night even with two blankets and hot chocolate, but I had a blast playing everyone on the DS with multi-player wireless Mario Kart DS and chatting it up with fellow gamers. I'd do it again but next time I'd be better prepared with more stuff to keep warm etc. Oh, also there was a total of about 42 people who showed up and thats how many Wii's they had so everyone got one, but that means that that Target is going to be sold out of Wii's untill they get another shipment, and that was right when they opened at 8:00am so yeah it's definately popular here too.
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its popular around me too 3 of my neighbors are looking for wiis when I told them I pre ordered they got so jealous
yeah we had like 40 or 50 lined up, but everybody knew there were only 20 so i dont know why they stayed. i was 6th in line!
I showed up at walmart at 12 pm and waited till 12 am and was #7 out of 20, 4 guys had been there since 6 pm friday
target by me had 113 people line up for 81 consoles...i got the last console ticket!

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