Syntax Appreciation Thread

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An Instant Classic
Apr 4, 2007
Wii Online Code
So just to let you all know, it looks like Syntax has been promoted to Moderator. Not just that, but Super Moderator.

Great news to hear. Keep up the good work, Syntax. Feel free to post your appreciation for Syntax and any other moderators in this thread. It also seems that i0n has returned, so feel free to discuss that as well.

Although, I do find it interesting that Syntax is now a Super Mod and Trulen and Mitch have remained regular mods. However, I don't want this getting into a heated discussion, so I'll just leave it at that.
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LevesqueIsKing said:
So just to let you all know, it looks like Syntax has been promoted to Moderator. Not just that, but Super Moderator (judging by the icons, thats what I've assumed)? I dont think anyone else was promoted, but if they were I sincerely apologize for not adding their name and will promptly edit this post.

Great news to hear. Keep up the good work, Syntax. Feel free to post your appreciation for Syntax and any other moderators in this thread.

I'm sorry for bringing this up again, but I just have to know: Is i0n back?
Yes, i0n is back, he posted in the thread below this one. I don't think we need anymore topics on this discussion.
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Do you mean about Syntax or i0n? I'm going to assume i0n, and in that case you should edit your post, because I've already edited mine.

Congratulations Syntax and thank you i0n.
Thanks for the support LK, but I think we're actually fine for these type of threads.
Yes, a big congrats to Syntax, he deserves it.
And yes, i0n is back.
Couldn't be better =)
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