King Wiired
Well yeah, this post has a point.
I (and I'm sure others are) are getting a bit annoyed with the countless amount of threads spam related or to express something that someones achieved. Why yes, you may be all excited that you got you 1532 post or your 6th bar (and congrats to you), but a new thread eachtime really isn't needed.
I feel since Prez has been temporarily away (due to work he's had to be doing) and I haven't seen Mitch around as much, I feel the site is slowly deteriorating further. Though, fair play to i0n and all the mods, they're doing alotta hard work, and couldn't give enough respect for that, but I feel more needs to be done. Others and myself I'm sure continue to report post after post, but by the time a mod even sees the threads, they've been developed and popular, and sometimes are just left to keep running.
After speaking to Prez, I thought this thread would be suitable, in which I ask i0n (and other mods) that another moderator or 2 (even temporary) are instated. I couldn't care less who, as long as they're on here alot, are responsible, and would do the job as it should be done, because the amount of spam etc.. is getting out of hand. This isn't a thread to say 'Oh, please let me be a mod i0n i love you
' it really isn't. A new mod I feel would suit the site perfectly, even if it's just there while Prez is away. This also isn't a thread for people to start going 'OOOH OOH PICK MEE I'LL BE A MOD PLZPLZPLZ' because that isn't the point I'm getting across. And I'm sure if i0n did considering introducing a new moderator, he would know who to pick, and wouldn't judge on someone asking to do the job.
I'm also expecting responses saying:
So yeah, there's my thoughts. Discuss. Thankyouandgoodnight.
I (and I'm sure others are) are getting a bit annoyed with the countless amount of threads spam related or to express something that someones achieved. Why yes, you may be all excited that you got you 1532 post or your 6th bar (and congrats to you), but a new thread eachtime really isn't needed.
I feel since Prez has been temporarily away (due to work he's had to be doing) and I haven't seen Mitch around as much, I feel the site is slowly deteriorating further. Though, fair play to i0n and all the mods, they're doing alotta hard work, and couldn't give enough respect for that, but I feel more needs to be done. Others and myself I'm sure continue to report post after post, but by the time a mod even sees the threads, they've been developed and popular, and sometimes are just left to keep running.
After speaking to Prez, I thought this thread would be suitable, in which I ask i0n (and other mods) that another moderator or 2 (even temporary) are instated. I couldn't care less who, as long as they're on here alot, are responsible, and would do the job as it should be done, because the amount of spam etc.. is getting out of hand. This isn't a thread to say 'Oh, please let me be a mod i0n i love you
I'm also expecting responses saying:
But yes, I have done, and have had a number of PM's vise versa between me and Prez, who suggested I made this thread.If you feel you need a new moderator, get in touch with i0ns/other mods to express your opinions
So yeah, there's my thoughts. Discuss. Thankyouandgoodnight.