
I used to swim competitively. I loved it. Swam in national meets. I was a freestyle sprinter.

Now I just swim in the ocean for excercise. I swim 1.6 miles 4 or 5 times a week now that the weather is nice.
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Swim Meet today and tomorrow at Yale University. 50 meter pool. Results:

50 Breast: 33 sec.
100 Free: 1:04 min.
200 Back: 1:17 min.
200 Free: 2:49 min.

No record breakers tonight, let's see if I can do something tomorrow. Tomorrows events are:

100 Fly
50 Free
200 Breast
FR. said:
Swim Meet today and tomorrow at Yale University. 50 meter pool. Results:

50 Breast: 33 sec.
100 Free: 1:04 min.
200 Back: 1:17 min.
200 Free: 2:49 min.

No record breakers tonight, let's see if I can do something tomorrow. Tomorrows events are:

100 Fly
50 Free
200 Breast

whats breast? ( i meant swimming not the other breast):wtf:
I swam on my local swim team when I was about 8 years old. Did it for two years. I was really bummed when I found out that my university just dropped intramural swimming so they could have volleyball. I really wanted to start swimming competitively again.
We don't have a swim team anywhere near the place I live. We don't have a swimming pool in our school cause it's tiny and only consists of 250 people. And our only swimming pool shouldn't even be open because of the terrible condidtion it's in.
I used to be the best swimmer in my year (200 students), but then Declan Potts came. He swims better than Grant Hackett did when he was the same age. He's also in newspapers and stuff as the next Thorpe. Dang it.
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Here are my times from 2:00 today. Same place (Yale University) 50 meter pool. Results:

100 Fly: 1:25 min.
50 Free: 23:72 sec. (record)
200 Breast: 2:10 min.

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