Forever blue/ Endless ocean ?


WiiChat Member
Jan 8, 2007
Wii Online Code
I know theres a thread about this but it doesnt answer my question. Other than swim around and explore, what else do you do? You can explore with others but u cant voice chat? And how much of an lasting effect can a game have that allows you to do nothing but look around the ocean. Confused by all the excitement. Id see this as great for a classroom but not as something you would be pumped to go home and play each day.

Answers and opinions.
point well made... you never know, it might be awsome... I mean it is pretty cool that you get to meet up with people... maybe this is the mmo weve been waiting for? idk... but RD is right, give it a shot. I take back what I said, Iwill try it.
I just watched the video... I like the looks of it... hopefully like, there is a prehistoric mode where you can travel back to the monster like creatures.. haha..... either that or like you get eaten by sharks and its brutal.
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Im gonna give it a rent to see what its like. I dont think a shark will eat you, I think its jsut about seeing them and you can make like dolphins do stuff. Other than that, ? . How do you interact with ppl w/o chat?
sithmagician said:
I just watched the video... I like the looks of it... hopefully like, there is a prehistoric mode where you can travel back to the monster like creatures.. haha..... either that or like you get eaten by sharks and its brutal.

you have a good imagination...I can't think of anything, I'll turn to you if I ever need some ideas :sick:

oh and btw, edit your last post instead of double posting =P
haha... Ok, sorry... O and I have another Idea.. they should make a mode where like, you have to travel into space and destroy the evil aliens that are going to kill all the humans and then take all of our water for their own use, via a super pump... and if you fail, the ocean runs dry and you are skrewed. OR: when they pump all of our water, you get sucked into the pump, like on mythbusters and you travel all the way to their planet and are in a whole new ocean with all new creatures.. ya, that would be sweet...and like you could travel to other planets and explore their oceans and find so many new cool things taht are like fantasy... like sea unicorns or a sea pegasis... hahaha, what am I talking about.. hahah

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