Super XP Battles?

I don't know, Hank - I mean, I can understand your thinking on whether or not someone realized it wasn't a glitch. However, I have seen a lot of odd things just playing regular 007 in game and online. I've wound up in really weird places I couldn't leave and gotten a ton of kills 'cause no one could see me, I've suddenly fallen into a white mass of nothing while standing stock still and remained there for quite some time until finally dying and I've seen guns fire with no one manning them and I've been in games where I was only getting 1 point per kill and, last night, I got into a game where someone hacked it to give unlimited ammo to everyone. There are a number of glitches to be found on Goldeneye and, until I joined this forum, I never thought of anyone hacking a game online and had it not been for this forum I would never have known about Homebrew - then again, I never played online before this game and the last FPS I played was Perfect Dark for the N64 and those were never online.

So, maybe for folks who are accustomed to online games those things would be an obvious hack. For me, it wasn't. Now that I know better I tend to be able to spot the hackers a bit better. But I still come from an era where the only "hack" was super gluing thread to a quarter and getting multiple plays on PacMan.
this happend to me the other night i was pkaying archives and when i killed a guy it said 2000xp i was like no effin way this cant possibly happen by the end of the match i got 40,000 xp and went up to lvls and honestly i was stoked the game gets ridiculously tedious with the leveling up im really getting bored with it but i was at lvl 27 then got to 29 from that i.just hit level 32 from playing for like 2 days straight ita nice to have that short break but i wouldnt abuse it because then it takes away from the point of online play if you unlock everything on one match then wheres the challenge wheres the fun of it all
ps if im playing with a hacking/cheating host i dedicate that match to only finding the host and only killing him/her till they quit lol just knowing im better then them and that im pissing them off makes me happy
yo yo i played with some of oyu guys dang you guy kicked my butt very bad that i became wanting to get you back :biggrin:. but nice to play with yo guys by the what is the cheat?:skep:
Well I got dropped into my first hacked super XP battle. It was a Heroes game. The score report after my first kill said +5000 and I said UH oh.... I took this pic and then QUIT. I ain't havin' it!!


  • superXPcheat.jpg
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I'd enjoy it.~ Getting quicker access to a broader range of weapons which expand the enjoyability of the game, by a stroke of luck? Take advantage of good fortune when you can. The best things in life are free. ♪

Creating a hacked EXP lobby yourself is just being an impatient dick, though.
Hacks are just for people to get past the hard stuff cause it takes a while to lvl up in goldeneye and unlock all the stuff, that shows that people are impatient and lazy or they just dont care about it
Umm, yeah, I just played a game of "HEROS" and they were dishing out +5000 EXP per kill. I only played one round, though I now feel kinda bad for it. Can't take it back, but won't do it again.

FC 2532 7252 2730 Lv33 Nic Name - Sparky
my friend played black box last night dude gave 9k per kill and max was 63k

Had the exact same thing happen to me mounths ago, left the game ASAP but it was sooo tempting to stay being it is sooo hard to level in this game.

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