Super XP Battles?

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i ended up in a 9999 xp battle in heroes today. i stayed till it froze. basically i sstarted at 31 and ended at 38 basically. pretty cool i guess.

edit: i realize that alot of people don't approve of this, let alone want having to associate themselves with someone who would give in to it. im just saying if im on ur friend roster, and you want to delete me for this, I understand, it's cool.
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Post the pic here so everyone can see it.

How? I'm not very skilled with these things. lol

Down below in the window where the message reply is (quick reply) there is an option box to "Attach Files". Click the "Manage Attachments" button and you'll get a box that allows you to select the picture file from your computer.

I'll test it out here...

yup it works. Try the Preview Post button to check to make sure the picture comes up!


  • layout3.JPG
    49.6 KB · Views: 336
So hopefully this works. Now you can all see just how this garbage looks in case you haven't come across it before...


  • BondCheat.jpg
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Homer: thanks for posting.

Wow. Just.... wow.

I'd just like to remind everyone that if you clicked on a terms of service agreement on your Wii you could have you account suspended and/or game disk BANNED from online play if you use a cheat. My Wii made me click another TOS recently and I actually read it thinking about this topic.

I remember Blizzard killed a bunch of Starcraft accounts years ago for widespread cheating.
Like how much XP? I've been in hacked games where there's unlimited ammo, no reloading, and the kill and death counts are pegged at like 60 something. I haven't seen any huge XP giveaways yet.

I'd probably bail if I noticed it beforehand, but I usually don't check the score mid-game to see what the XP totals are.

Hmmm, I think 9995 per kill it happend to me before but we lost coection to the host mid-match
So it finally happened to me tonight, not once but 2 times in a row. Started a heroes game and shot someone, it said +5400 xp. THEN I QUIT. The thought of staying around did interest me since my goal was to be lvl 38 by the end of the night. I needed 12000 xp. I figured f*%$ that, I got this far without cheating why start now, so I quit. Then I started another heroes game, killed a dude and got 6666 xp. THEN I QUIT! Yes, I could be lvl 56 right now, But I DO NOT WANT TO CHEAT! When People say "I didn't cheat I just got involved in a few huge xp matches, I didn't even know it was happening". Come on man, So WARPING up 50,000 xp points per game isn't cheating but a lvl 6 with proxies makes you mad? The last hour I spent playing GE I got 2000 xp, Because of Host quits, I don't cheat, and I suck. PS (NL)Ultima, Arcanine and some other lvl 56 [SD] dude kicked my butt in the last 40 minutes Just saying. But I still suck.
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Clearly a lot of us recognize that the levelling up in this game is totally frustrating and not very rewarding. It's understandable why a lot of players feel justified taking the extra points. On the other hand, does it violate the principles in the Wii agreement? Yes. Does it un-level the playing field between players? More or less. Does it condone more hacking? Yeah. At this point (level 35) I'm just trying to enjoy every match, and not care so much about the points. However I admit I often didn't feel that way before hitting level 35.
Hmmm... I'm not quite sure what I would do actually... I would like to say I would quit but the lure of gaining a few levels might prove too tempting... we shall see
Hacked game

I was in one last night, in fact this is the reason I am on the chat figure out what happened. Maybe I am just naive, but I thought it was some promo thing like the games on Facebook where they give extra things away for a limited time. Each kill was worth 1280 XP. All 8 of us were in the same game for at least 4 intervals, till whoever the hacker was left. I wont lie, I was excited cuz I was at level 34 and it took me to 37, so I got some new cool stuff. Now that I see it is because of hackers it is a little weird.
So it finally happened to me tonight, not once but 2 times in a row. Started a heroes game and shot someone, it said +5400 xp. THEN I QUIT. The thought of staying around did interest me since my goal was to be lvl 38 by the end of the night. I needed 12000 xp. I figured f*%$ that, I got this far without cheating why start now, so I quit. Then I started another heroes game, killed a dude and got 6666 xp. THEN I QUIT! Yes, I could be lvl 56 right now, But I DO NOT WANT TO CHEAT! When People say "I didn't cheat I just got involved in a few huge xp matches, I didn't even know it was happening". Come on man, So WARPING up 50,000 xp points per game isn't cheating but a lvl 6 with proxies makes you mad? The last hour I spent playing GE I got 2000 xp, Because of Host quits, I don't cheat, and I suck. PS (NL)Ultima, Arcanine and some other lvl 56 [SD] dude kicked my butt in the last 40 minutes Just saying. But I still suck.

MethLepard You're the f-ing man! Seriously I dont know if I could quit... Just being honest... I really want that new rifle and thermal But whats a couple million more XP at this point. Plus it seems to me that sticking with the level up schedule lets you master your new guns and gadgets and become proficient. If you just plopped a Strata and proxies in my lap everyone would know I didnt earn them. :p Ive only played you once and you don't suck... Not nearly as much as I.
Thanks troll, I did want to stay in the match but I figured after all the people I hate on for cheating, it would be a breech of morals. It is just a game but whatever. I have already picked up and used all the gun (except gambit) so I know what they can do, thats why I don't care to cheat. BTW Thermal scope is amazing for sniping in cluttered big maps. The terra w/thermal is cool but the scope is to powerful for ads-ing close range (need to be better at hip shots). Haven't played much lately but I hope to get in some games with you again soon.
Hey Meth - I've played with/against you a few times and I have to say I am impressed you withstood the temptation. When it happened to me I was sort of in disbelief - I really didn't think it was real but more of a glitch. A part of me wishes I knew what was really happening when it happened but a part is rather glad I got past two rather useless levels. But really - good on ya for resisting. It wasn't easy, I'm sure.
@Meth, the only thing you're missing with the Gambit is the neat sound it makes when you shoot it. lol I've picked it up enough times to get it to level 2. :) It's the only gun I haven't maxed out.

On this topic though, I don't see how people can claim that they thought a ton of xp per kill is just some glitch... Especially if you're more than 20-30 HOURS of playing time in. You should know by then that you get 5 per kill, not 5000+. Come on. Either way, do what you want, please just don't try to justify it by playing stupid.

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