Super Smash Bros. 4

I went on my WiiU just a few moments ago checked up on the
smash bros community in Miiverse saw some posts/accoutrements of a sonic reveal trailer...
I'm just gonna post this here.


My friend just linked me to it out of nowhere, and it's probably Photoshopped, but I'm posting it anyway. I'm almost certain it's Photoshopped, though I don't know the origin of it.
Maybe. I wonder if the official site will reveal anything for the XY release.
... That was sarcasm.

Although yes, a logical time for revealing Mewtwo or any Forme of him would most likely be when X/Y comes out.
Compare it to this
Now, this actually seems legit.

The "Ready to Fight" bar is ugly, the victory pose is ugly (are there even any animations now?) [strike]and Sakurai is ugly.[/strike] Ugh.

I hope he takes more time making SSB4, seeing it as it is of right now. Hopefully the finished product won't make it feel like Street Fighter.
Trago, if you make one moar assumption today, you're banned.

The game's still in beta; maybe even alpha. Most'a this stuff we're seein' isn't final, and the stuff that is will be even more polished come the game's release.

... I don't see nothin' wrong with the stuff you're nitpickin' over anyways.

fake and gay

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