Super Mario Galaxy Story


The Crusher
May 21, 2006
A portion directly from the most recent Nintendo Power…

“Every hundred years a comet passes over the Mushroom Kingdom and rains down magical stars and stardust, and as Princess Peach and the citizens of the kingdom are celebrating the centennial event, Bowser and his legions attack. As Mario attempts to put a stop to Bowser’s shenanigans, but things go awry: the next thing he knows, he finds himself on a mysterious moon high above the Mushroom Kingdom.”

Source: Nintendo Power,

This seems to get better and better with all the information we get.
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Wii-Fi said:
cool info, maybe the hub is gonna be on that moon?

It seems like it. That would be sweet if you could see the castle from the moon.
that's good, super mario sunshine didn't really have a hub, it wasn't anygood compared to 64. Maybe if you beat the game you can go back to the castle for some extra levels:lol:.

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