Mario Galaxy - What've we picked up?


Super Mario Bros. MASTA!
Mar 20, 2007
Wii Online Code
Ok so I am picking things up from all the gameplay demo vids being released.

First off I am looking more forward to this than anything, its wonderful. I mean its Mario and it is sexy. It is 3D and it is doing new things

Now something I am finding is that it is picking up a lot from other mario games and I will just talk about a few first

Super Mario Bros. 3 ship song: played on prologue, played when you jump on the ship in stardust galaxy

Super Mario Bros. 3 1-4 level song: In the galaxy of cakes and stuff.

IMO: The whole bringing back the ship theme rules. Its where bowser belongs and It is the sex!

Power Mushroom: The typical mushroom (mario's first and most famous power-up) makes a return in the form that it ads on another health gauge. You aren't getting bigger, as that ended with 3D platforming mario. But it finds its spot.

Luigi: Luigi is definately in it, I can prove this with a video. Here

I do not know if he is playable, but I imagine they are trying to bring that back...

Post things you've picked up on that any real mario fan will love seeing.
I cannot wait for galaxy!!

dont forget to add the interactivity of a second player!
I was in GameStop yesterday and they had a Mario Galaxy all set up to play in their store. Am i the only one who has experience this? I only got to play for so long because I was on break from work and still had to go get food...
Well all I have picked up is that this game is going to be killer sweet :lol:

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