Suggestions for system physically security?

Wow, you must be paranoid o_O Just don't leave anyone alone wandering your house. If you are worried about when you are not home, the best thing you can do is keep your house secure, not every little thing inside. I live in a bad neighborhood and there are ALOT of break-ins and I don't worry about any of that. I think you would use more money trying to "secure" everything than you would if someone actually stole it.
get plastic box and cut holes for things like the disc slot, all the plugs and the eject button (No need for the power button since that it on the wiimote as well), then make the top openable, Make two holes one on top one on the side. After that, put the wii in. then arrange it so that the slot fits perfectly even and wont scratch the disc when you eject. then lock it.

Thats physical security, you could also super glue it to the wall. . .