Such a Lie...


Jan 12, 2007
United Kingdom
Wii Online Code
Right a couple of weeks a go I was in ASDA looking at the gaming magazines. Whilst I was browsing through I saw the PS3 magazine which had on the front cover "Why the PS3 owns 2007"

This was quite funny as:

1) Nintendo Wii magazines were sold out

2) Playstation 3 magazines had been out for a couple of weeks and sold barely any whereas the the Nintendo magazine hadn't

Hmmm I wonder if it does own 2007? Because to buy the magazine you must like the console/have the console..

Sony/Sony Fans really do try too hard...
Lol! Ps3 is horrible the gamestop I went to the clerck said he had 40 in the back room from a few weeks ago.
Wii > Ps3
Its obvious the editors of the magazine are social retards who are blind to seeing another point of view when they come out with phrases which include that idiotic misuse of the word 'owned'.

How can a console own an entire year or any period of time for that matter? A console owns nothing but is OWNED.
loooooooooooooool the playstation 3 is not going 2 sell out in the uk.
No1 is that desperate for a monster truck sized piece of plastic.

There will ALWAYS be some in stock i tell u
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Yea I know they'll already be stock in the shops for PS3 because everytime I go into GAME (Uk shop)

People ask which console to get

Wii or PS3?

The staff said even when they're not meant to "Get a Nintendo Wii"

Yup always amusing to find Sony hit rock bottom.
lol, the Official Nintendo Magazine UK has a similar feature which i presume the PS3 one copied called 'Why Nintendo owns 2007' !
The Ps3 will start to sell alot more when sony finally realise most people are not going to re-finance there homes just so they can buy a console.
personally, although i don't own either, i like both. I think sony has come out with a great system, its just too pricey. i would probably get a ps3 over a wii if they were the same price. anyone who says that ps3 sucks and ps3 lost the race and all that crap, i just think you're insecure about your decision of buying the wii over the ps3. If you like your wii better, good for you, but why does it make a difference whether ps3's are in stock or not? that doesn't mean its a bad console, it means that people just aren't willing to pay that much. grow up.
callme.nasty said:
personally, although i don't own either, i like both. I think sony has come out with a great system, its just too pricey. i would probably get a ps3 over a wii if they were the same price. anyone who says that ps3 sucks and ps3 lost the race and all that crap, i just think you're insecure about your decision of buying the wii over the ps3. If you like your wii better, good for you, but why does it make a difference whether ps3's are in stock or not? that doesn't mean its a bad console, it means that people just aren't willing to pay that much. grow up.

If the Wii wanted to be as much as the ps3, the ps3 WOULDNT stand a chance at all. More $ = More Stuff. The Ps3 is mince meat, simple as that. There is not a HDDVD that holds +1gb more then bluray. bye bye blu.

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