Start of a Trend? PlayStation 3 Beats Xbox 360 Again


Let There Be Rock
Oct 24, 2007
Wii Online Code
Nintendo beat everyone by a pretty sizable margin, and that, in fact, may be the most important news to take away from the latest NPD sales data. Last month Sony came within striking distance of the Wii in hardware unit sales -- a mere 5,000 units -- but this month Nintendo's well ahead by 151k units, lending credibility to the theory that Nintendo's drop was availability-related.

Before I go any further, the February 2008 numbers, courtesy the folks at NPD:

Hardware - February 2008

588k - Nintendo DS
432k - Nintendo Wii
352k - PlayStation 2
281k - PlayStation 3
255k - Xbox 360
243k - PlayStation Portable

Software - February 2008

296k - Call of Duty 4 (360)
295k - Devil May Cry 4 (360)
290k - Wii Play (Wii)
234k - Devil May Cry 4 (PS3)
223k - Guitar Hero III (Wii)
206k - Mario and Sonic: Olympic Games (DS)
204k - Lost Odyssey (360)
198k - Turok (360)
184k - Guitar Hero III (PS2)
162k - Rock Band (360)


- As a hardware brand, Nintendo dominated February with 1020k total hardware unit sales versus Sony's aggregate 876k, but in top 10 software sales, the 360 once again cleaned up, taking the lion's share with a whopping 1,155k units versus only 513k for the Wii and 234k for Sony (and that from a single game). You can make a strong argument that software -- as long as sales are sustained -- is what primarily matters, and to that extent, Microsoft continues to be the clear winner of this two-and-an-anomalous-third-plus-a-surprise-fourth horse race.

- Followup to the last point, Sony's sales almost have to be Blu-ray loaded. Two months with only a single chart topper each month? With HD DVD effectively dead, fence-sitters are buying Blu-ray players. The PS3 rates a steal of a deal if all you want is a machine to watch high-def movies, and I suspect that's where a lot of those sales are coming from. The flip side of that coin is that Sony could be looking at a lot of game-specific headroom to grow into if it lands a few critically acclaimed exclusives in 2008. (No pressure, Metal Gear Solid 4 and Gran Turismo 5.)

- Go Nintendo? I keep expecting Nintendo's boat to hit shallow water, but once again I'm eating my words and predictions. What's more, expect those numbers to go ballistic in March and April, between Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Mario Kart Wii.

- Go Nintendo DS! Over half a million sales and twice those of Sony's PSP. Between you and me, if I were a game developer, this is where I'd hitch my horse, no ifs, ands, or buts.

- Microsoft anticipated NPD's sales data by claiming earlier today that "supply issues" were why it sold fewer systems than Sony. Without independent verification of that claim -- and there's been nothing newsworthy to suggest it's either true or false -- I don't know if Microsoft's word is enough to go on, especially given the statement's proximity to the sales data. When Nintendo's Wii has supply constrains, it was in the news well before the sales data hit. For all the software Microsoft's selling, I've yet to visit a Target, Best Buy, Walmart, Gamestop, etc. that isn't brimming with 360s, or to read about a hardware shortage at any of the major retailers. NPD's Anita Frazier adds that "while hardware inventory issues at retail may still be lingering post-holiday, the fact that all now-gen systems generated significant year-over-year hardware sales increases indicates the situation is coming into balance faster than it did last year."

- In related news, video games sales are up 12% over last year. Now take the extra sales week in 2007 into account and sales are actually up 26%. And according to NPD's Anita Frazier, "Software sales are up 47% for the month of February and 43% for the year on a comparable weeks sales basis...with several marquee titles still to come in the front half of the year, the industry is poised to achieve another year of record-breaking sales despite difficult economic conditons." Even more great news for the games industry! Put that in your pipe and smoke it so-called "U.S. recession."

- Look at the PS2 go. I suppose it's not a total surprise given the notion that the PS2 competes in the same space as the Wii, and you also have to consider how many incredible games -- new and used -- are available for the system. Says NPD's Frazier: "I was most surprised by the PS2 hardware sales numbers this month...while it certainly has earned its spot among the now-gen slate of console systems because of it staying power in the marketplace, the fact that it realized such significant growth this month is really a testament to its broad adoption and the response of consumers to promotional activity at retail."

good article. the signs are beginnig to show that this is ps3 year but ninty wont be behind. thats for sure. linkage
Hmm good start for the PS3 this year. They have a lot to prove if they want to beat out the 360 (and even MORE to prove to beat the Wii!!).
This only makes sense. Toshiba dropped the HDDVD format and everything is going blueray. Blueray players cost $800 but if you buy a PS3 you get a $600 blueray player with an advanced gaming system. I like the wii allright but frankly if PS3 wasn't $600 I would own one, the wii was more in my budget and added incentive was how interactive you can be (it's rare to have girls involved in games, but the wii achomplishes that). I was dissapointed that it doesn't at least come with a DVD player, and the online code registration is a PITA. They could have designed it way better, but I think they chose not to. It's a marketing ploy, they can bleed you over the years to pay for all the extra accessories and software to make it easier than it's origional format.
microsoft is blaming this on shortages of the elite and premium models..
i really want to see the sales when GTA4 comes out, will 360 sale more.. or ps3? does the average joe who loves GTA even know its coming out on the 360?
Enough with the bickering please. There are separate forums for the different consoles is all Sovieto and TekNi9e were saying. Theres a Wii section for the Wii, PS3 for PS3, and 360 for 360. So if it was related to one of those more it would go there, we do have different sections for different things. You can't just plop something somewhere, but in this case its fine. No one said you can't talk about the Wii, or any system for that matter, but if it relates to one more than the other it needs to go to the appropriate sections.

Just discuss the article at hand now please.
I think the Blu-ray thing definitely helps them out now. Just imagine if it had gone the other way and now everyone who bought a PS3 to play Blu-ray would now be SOL, while 360 owners would be in the clear. It helps a lot that they bet on the right horse on this one.
Happy said:
Do people with ps3s actually buy games?
no they dont have money left after they buy a pos3(piece of s__t 3) you can probably guess what the last word is (wasnt sure if i would get in trouble for typing it)
PwnMastr said:
no they dont have money left after they buy a pos3(piece of s__t 3) you can probably guess what the last word is (wasnt sure if i would get in trouble for typing it)

That was clever. I really don't think theres too much of a selection. I give the PS3 the rest of the year to build up a great collection definitely worth collecting. My roommates PS3 is only accompanied by Call of Duty 4 but I think he's planning on Army of Two and of course, GTA.

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